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A good friend is a big part of life.

Good morning today, Wednesday 12th August, I hope everyone is well.received_294498005332055.jpeg

What do we mean by a friend.

Friend means who stand beside your
in danger without worrying about anything.Friend means he will laugh at your laughter and cry at your tears.Friend means he will always be busy with your good wishes.Will help free you from your mental worries.

My friends details

I have a lot of friend. They are very helpful and also they are very sensitiv.
Most of my friends are not rich but their Thoughts are good for me. When I fall in ay trapp they help me to get out of dange.

She is my best friend.Her nme is Mahmuda Zaman. She is a doctor. She is very much help full and also a kind girl. In every taime she help my any problem and when I feel depress she help l a lot to get out of it.He and I have been friends for 15 years. In these 15 years,she has been by my side all the time, good and bad.
Here is My friend Abu Nime Shikder.He is a great perso. Profesonaly he is a photographe.His father has kiked out him when he was only 13 years old.I helped him a lot to read and stand on own foot and now he become a photographe. He is Very helpful and lot of positive thinking person. If he falt in a problem he always thinks positive and thats why i liked him so much.
### In Hive my Friends. #Hive blog is a great place for showing your creativit. Here I learn a lot of things to read others blog.I Spend lot of time to read other blog coz I love to read and learn. In PHC community @jayne is a great person and very much helpful also a geart talated girl. She help me a lot for building up writing skill and there are lot of people in hive who thoughts always positive are my good friend.
It is not always right to be friends with a successful have to know lot of things about friendship.Remember one thing a good friend always show the right way.

Who am I?

My nme is Faysal. I am citizen of Bangladesh . I am aslo a photographer . I love travelers very much and love to serve them.Anyone can contact me
you can contact me on discord user nme @faysal72#4722

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All pictures are taken by me

Don't forget to comment about your best friend.