How to lose weight

Losing weight

Taking care of yourself is very important. Don't get lost in your daily treadmill. It happens quite easily that you get fat over time and just when you notice it, it is too late. Not too late to start and do something against it, but it went way too far. So it happened a few years ago when I weighed way too much. I was close to 100 kg and that was the point I knew I had to do something. I started with weight lifting again and changed my eating habits. Soon I found my kettlebells and long story short, I lost over 20kg in nearly one year. Success!

Losing weight again

A few months ago it was nearly the same. Corona, personal stress, fewer workouts, and too much work lead me to 95 kg again. My focus went on more kettlebell workouts and keeping an eye on what and when I eat. Cutting out starchy carbs, sugar and increasing the vegetable part was easy. I'm doing also intermittent fasting and eating just 2 meals a day most times, sometimes just one meal. I have at least 16h without food and sometimes even longer.

And no, I'm not hungry all the time.

Intermittent fasting will help you lose weight and also heal your body.

  • After ~12h you go into ketosis and start burning fat.
  • After ~18h you are in full burning mode and have produced ketones.
  • Autophagy will start after ~24h which means that bad and dead cells are eaten away and the material will be recycled.

I like how the human body work!

You can go further and don't eat for 2 or more days.

  • After ~48h your human growth hormone is up to 5 times higher
  • After ~54h your insulin level is very low which can decrease inflammation

You should start this slowly especially if you are used to eating a lot of carbs and sweets. You will get the feeling of hunger because of your blood sugar.
Starchy carbs and sugar will increase your blood sugar and your body will try to reduce it when your blood sugar goes hard down, you get the feeling of hunger. Avoid high blood sugar fluctuations. This will make you crave more sweets and food.

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I lost 8.9 kg since I tracked it. It should be a bit more, but who cares. My body fat decreased from over 25% to 23.3% right now. I can see and feel it. I had to add another hole to my belt because my pants fell down.

Body Fat

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*Images and screenshots are from me and myfitnesspal. The header is made with canva *

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