About last month

Last month happened in a huge way as I found myself traveling home for a burial celebration, which we also used as an Easter celebration.

Normally, due to how expensive things are, I never planned to travel home anytime soon, even though I didn't travel during Christmas last year.
Not only did transportation cost me a lot of money, but I also supported my dad with finances, as it was his mother (my paternal Grandma) who was being buried. Though I felt it removing such a big amount of money from my account, it's fine because things like this happen.

The grandma was 98years, so it wasn't a mournful ceremony, rather it was a celebration of life well spent.

Also, the burial ceremony was a gathering where I had to meet cousins, uncles, aunts, and many others whom I hadn't seen in many years. It was more like a reunion, and I felt so good getting to meet my extended family at large and taking some good selfies.

Another thing that made it fun-filled was the food. I'm someone who works for every single meal I eat. I haven't eaten from a pot where I didn't know the amount of food for a long while, so going home and having the opportunity to eat anything and however much without considering the cost of the food was so interesting. Since the burial coincided with Easter, there was enough food at home from the very first day of preparation. You needed to see how restless my mouth was in chewing food. I ate to the extent that I began to notice some symptoms of weight gain within the space of three days, which was like a dream come true for meπŸ˜….

I enjoyed every part of it, but at some points, I began to miss my usual space at home. The house was so filled up with people, my room wasn't mine anymore because we had a lot of people who lodged in the room, and also, there was no space for someone to cool down because I was being called here and there, especially by all those uncles who came and staged a before and after party drinking. I couldn't settle down to write, and for the very first time after a good running streak, I stayed a day without writing.
Not that I spend a lot of time writing, but this time, I couldn't just get the space to put up a write. Well, I let that feeling go and didn't let it disturb me because all work and no play can actually make someone dull. After all, it's family I went to visit, not random people, so they needed my time too.

During Easter periods, there are usually many events in town which in one way or another pull one to attend. I don't attend uninvited events, but on the next day of Easter, which was Easter Monday, a cousin came and dragged me to 'THE DAY OF THE COMMUNITY' event, which used to be entertaining as many cultural displays were done. Unfortunately, we got there late when all the dances and displays had ended. I had my camera with me to capture every event, but it was unfortunate for me.

That's all about last month.

Thanks for reading.

This is my entry to the Week 109, Edition 02 of the Weekly Featured contest in Hive Learners Community

All photos are mine

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