Super Wild Coffee - Not so super airport coffee

Super Wild Coffee


superwild coffee.png

I've never seen this concept anywhere else - not even at other airports on the other islands in the Canaries. I'm talking about the outdoor spaces within the airports. I spotted at least two of these spaces at Fuerteventura's international airport.


Their main function appears to give smokers a place to smoke after already going through security. In other airports, smokers have to brace themselves for hours of no smoking. While I'm not a smoker, and I really hate the smell of smoke and am often frustrated that I can't find any outdoor coffee spaces in London without smoke, I think this is a pretty good space for smokers to get relief before setting off on potentially long flights and long immigration queues.

The first space I saw, which is the first one right after going through the duty free shops, had an area called the "Market Square" that reminded me of some of the outdoor spaces in London. I wanted to grab some coffee there and chill, but the coffee shops were not open yet.

It really feels like a rooftop cafe/bar somewhere in East London. One could momentarily forget one is at an airport until, of course, an announcement comes on the PA system.

Like in England, most covid regulations are no longer followed at the Fuerteventura airport, as well as in town actually, but all the signs are still up. A vivid reminder of how terrible things where just a few months ago. I hope never to return to this sort of time.

There are indoor spaces too, including the usual chains; Burger King (surprisingly no McDonalds), Costa Coffee, and so on. It really does feel like any classic European airport once past security. It was at the second outdoor space, however, that I decided to take my brew.



It was brought to my attention by the giant "Super Wild Coffee" sign on the glass door/wall/cage. I went through the revolving door and got on the very short queue. I was quite confused by the name once I got to the stall. Coffee didn't seem to be the main thing they do but rather a side thing. As a result, and as expected, the coffee wasn't that great. In fact the only thing more generic than the coffee's taste was the brown cup it was served in.



"Ah, you can't win them all" I thought to myself. Perhaps I should have waited till I was on the airplane and ordered one of those cup-brewed ones which tasted superb. Oh well.

Peace & Love,


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