3SHORTS Fitness Week... Plancha Isométrica [Esp/Eng + Sub]

3SHORTS Fitness Week... Plancha Isométrica. El que dice que un minuto pasa tan rápido como un tren, es porque no se ha tomado la molestia de ejecutar una plancha Isométrica durante ese tiempo. ¡Hey! Amigos, por acá estamos apoyando la #iniciativa del pana @noakmilo, donde nos reta a realizar un shorts, para demostrar que sí podemos ejecutar cualquier tipo de actividad física, no importa cual sea, lo primordial es que te actives porque si tenemos buena salud, podemos hacer lo que queramos. Recuerda que el ejercicio mantiene cuerpo, mente y espíritu en total equilibrio y por ello, yo si acepto el reto y en este video podrás ver mi entrada. No hay carreras ni saltos, pero si vamos a ejecutar un movimiento que es mortífero, la plancha Isométrica y me propuse hacerla por un minuto; vean el video y descubran si pude hacerlo. Vamos.

Si deseas participar en esta iniciativa puedes conocerla aqui.

También invito a los hermanos @ksmith7, @karlex77, @melor9 para que se activen.

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Portada Editada en/Cover Edited in Canva

Video Editado en/Video Edited in CapCut

Visita mi canal de/Visit my channel 3speak

Logos propiedad de / @hiveio, @threeshorts, @threespeak

3SHORTS Fitness Week ... Isometric plank. The one who says that a minute goes by as fast as a train, is because he has not taken the trouble to execute an isometric plank during that time. Hey! Friends, here we are supporting the #initiative of the dude @noakmilo, where he challenges us to do a shorts, to show that we can execute any type of physical activity, no matter what, the most important thing is that you get active because if we have good health, we can do whatever we want. Remember that exercise keeps body, mind and spirit in total balance and for that reason, I accept the challenge and in this video you will see my entry. There are no races or jumps, but if we are going to execute a movement that is deadly, the isometric plank and I proposed to do it for a minute; watch the video and find out if I could do it. Let's go.

If you want to participate in this initiative you can learn about it here.

I also invite my brothers @ksmith7, @karlex77, @melor9 to be activated

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...Thanks for visiting...

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Video y fotografía tomadas por Ronmel Núñez

Video and photos taken by Ronmel Nuñez

Música Pixabay

Music Pixabay

Cronómetro Pixabay

Pixabay Timer

Translated and formatted with Hive Translator by @noakmilo

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