Wiz Drip 65. Lift and Amplify Your Energy to Enjoy this Fabulous Journey

Krisz Rokk's Wiz Drip 65 - Nutrition

Nutrition. You polarize this third-dimensional realm with your specifics, albeit you never surrender to diets despite the glorious efforts to better understand our bodies and physiques. We misinterpret your intention to make us look slim, forgetting that your aura encompasses a plethora of anatomies.

Your labels appear on shelves, clothes, and various items we surrender ourselves with while you nod your head, wondering why we’ve lost touch with your density. Your evolution across galaxies is treated with disbelief, sending the human species deeper into sleep.

How can we use your generous menu to strengthen our vessel and perform at a higher frequency?

Food is just the baseline, my operational headquarters from where I coordinate the entire philosophy. I radiate through multiple layers beyond your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and light body.

Listen to the subtle whisper that tells you what to feed your specific DNA. You are a unique piece of an amazing jigsaw puzzle, so stop relying on distorted expert advice, fancy marketing campaigns, and peer-reviewed studies.

Lift and amplify your energy to enjoy this fabulous journey, beautiful soul.

💎💎💎 Krisz Rokk 💎💎💎

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