CREATIVE BLOGGER TAG : Getting to know Each other Better and Making Hive a Better Place

The creative blogger tag was brought to us by @jongcl (you can read about it here, and the purpose was to bring the members of the Hive community together in a sweeter way, getting to know one another better - and of course, making Hive stronger! I'm all about that - so when @starstrings01 tagged me in it - I knew I would make a point if joining in! If you'd like to see his post - be sure to click here!

Sorry for my delay @starstrings01 - I was out of town, and thought I could get to this sooner... but our trip didn't allow for as much time as I would have liked to write this fully! 😊

image by @jongcl

The first two questions were posed by @jongcl, and the next 5 were posed by @starstrings01 personally for me and the others he tagged. I'll be answering the firs two here, followed by the 5

How would I add value to Hive.png

For me, it's simple. Support people who need support. (I said NEED support. not simply WANT support.)

It's unfortunate that people make that concept more difficult than it is. If you see someone who NEEDS help - don't make them beg. Don't make them grovel. Help someone. When they're no longer need the help, encourage them to help others, and go find someone new to support.

How would I make Hive a better place.png

I think this goes hand in hand with the question above. That is how I live, and that is what I believe does help Hive become better. If the world would spend considerably less time talking, and spend considerably more time doing, we would see more change.

If you are reading this - find ONE person to help.

Don't wait, or you'll just procrastinate. Think of that one person to help, and then START. Track how they progress, encourage and support them, and when they can swim on their own, HELP THEM HELP SOMEONE ELSE. Then - you do the same.

One becomes two. Two becomes four. It's not impossible to do. Love builds. Hate divides. Choose love. (You don't even have to read any more of this post. lol go find your person and START)

Starstring01's questions to me.png

I'll try to answer these quickly because I think most people like the fast answers hahahaha

What is the one thing you can change in your life if you have the power to? And why?

I love when I can truly connect with someone. In my experience, that has always required language on some level. So if I had the power to - hahaha I would speak every language fluently. LOL I know... it's outrageous - but it's what I would love to be able to do.

If you are to meet 5 Hivers in person, who would they be and why so?

oh my gosh - only 5?!?!?! lol GEEZ. ok, well then I am GOING to meet the entire DreemPort teem someday -(yep. I believe this) so I won't mention them hahaha. And I won't mention people that I've already met.

I'll mention people that are OUTSIDE of my normal circle and that intrigue me. And funny enough, they are mostly new people! haha I guess that makes sense since most of my "old people" I have met/will meet.

These five intrigue me and I'm not sure I will ever get to meet them: @nineclaws, @dandays (ok maybe we will hahaha), @galenkp, @samostically @stayten

What are your best qualities as a person?

I'll say the things I most aspire to be. A person known for her joy, integrity, generosity, compassion, mercy, grace, and justice. (I can't stand predators and I love underdogs.)

What Superpower would you love to have and why?

oh hmm I guess this is kinda like the answer to #1? So - I'll think of another superpower. I don't pursue money, but I sure would love to have a lot of it to throw around. LOL I would love to have a financial account that is never depleted, no matter how much money I give away (or even spend on myself hehe) Funny story? This actually happened to me for a year. It was the most amazing year of generosity I have ever had. I didn't KNOW it couldn't be depleted. I just kept giving money away, and my account refilled over and over. Let me tell you - generosity is freaking addicting.

How do you wish to spend the forth coming Christmas if all your wishes are to be granted?

I can't answer this publicly - at least not yet. It's my secret prayer request everyday.


I think I will be a rebel. hahaha Technically its PAST October - and this challenge was FOR October. so - I'm not going to tag anyone to join in. If you want to join in - please do so!

Answer the 2 questions from @jongcl and then add in ANY of these 5 questions from me that you'd like to answer.

When have you felt most:

  1. loved?
  2. frightened?
  3. excited?
  4. hopeful?
  5. hopeless?

Hope you're all enjoying your day!

image by @jongcl

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