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CREATIVE BLOGGER TAG || Getting to know Each other Better and Making Hive a Better Place

The creative blogger tag was initiated by @jongcl in her post here which we answer questions that allows us to get to know each other and also how we can contribute to the Hive Community. I really appreciate @sellennee for tagging me to participate in this initiative. You can check her response here also.

design made by @jongcl

As the image says above, I would answering 5 personal questions @sellennee had prepared for me and also would also answer the two Obligatory questions of The Creative Blogger Tag prepared by @jongcl.

Obligatory questions design made by @jongcl


My way of adding value to Hive is by supporting newbies who may be lost here on hive. This is one of the reasons why I founded the @newbies-hive initiated with @aliento team to support newbies, hold live meetings, share knowledge and information about Hive with them. This initiative has been running for a year now and I am grateful for the support it has gotten so far.

Another way in which I add value to Hive is by onboarding new users to Hive. I try my best to onboard as much people as I can handle and reach out to. It gets difficult if one brings in a lot of people at a time. So I try to make them fully understand the platform before bringing in more people. This way, I don't bring people who only joins to stay for less than a month and leave without getting to fully understand how Hive works.


Making Hive a better place for my family, friends and country men is something I am passionate about. It is something I think of very often because of the opportunities Hive has to offer to people from my country.

Hive has helped me in so many ways, changed my life, saved me from situations like hunger for instance, provided funds for me when in need (talking about health issues and school tuition fees) being part of it. This is the reason why I keep being active here, trying to stay consistent, build my stake, increase my voting power so I can support striving authors on the platform, and even help them achieve their dreams as Hive has helped me achieve mine.

Now it is time for time for me to answer the questions that @sellennee had prepared down for me

1. What is it that I am most thankful for?

Seriously, I am thankful for so many things in my life most especially for life itself. I am thankful for the grace God has given on to me because if not, I would not be in this my very most position. I am also thankful for the parents I have, they are treasures in my life. Lastly, I am thankful for knowing Hive and for the friends I have made through my journey so far.

2. Until when are you planning to share your life with Hive?

Smiles, My contents generally are focused on my World. Every bit of article I write has something to tell from my life. Hive has given me the opportunity to open my heart, talk about my life, share my experiences, my thoughts and ideas, and also see that of others as well.

3. How are you able to share the Hive platform with those who didn't wanna believe in it?

You know, there is a difference between one having first hand experience of something and another being told about something. The way I have been positively changed by Hive makes it very easy for me to share my beliefs and passion for Hive.

The stories of how Hive has helped me all the way to this point is very much enough to convince those who doubt they can make it on Hive. If you still haven't read my journey on Hive, I personally advice you should click here to read through.

So if you see me talk about my life and Hive, right from my words and eyes you would feel my passion for Hive as I speak. That is why, I get find it easy to onboard users and tell them it is something they can partake in no matter what.

At first, when telling people what the Hive platform is, I tell them Hive is almost like their regular social media but way better than they think and do you know what makes it better? the fact that you can earn from the content you share, most likely your passions and originality. The fact that when people hear the word EARN, two things comes in their mind could this be real or a regular scam like all those other websites that says they pay for reading news or helping them with captcha stuffs.

Now that cryptocurrency is now very popular around the world, and many people are believing in it, they would be more interested when they hear they can earn in crypto for the content they share most especially with minimal risk of their content being censored.

C'mon, who doesn't like free money? yeah, to their heads they might think it is a way for an easy cash out. In order to not get them too joyful of the news that they can earn simply by sharing what they do in their daily life or sharing their passion, I would then have to tell them it takes more than that reminding them it is a social network in which money don't just come flying to them for just coming to post a random content and leave. This is where I tell them work is needed from their side by socializing, engaging and making friends.

Definitely, many would love to give it a try hearing this, most especially after listening to my story of how hive has helped my life.

4. How do you see yourself ten (10) years from now?

The future is unpredictable and it is something very hard for one to predict but for one to have a future he truly desires, he needs to first have dreams then make his actions towards building those dreams.

In 10 years time if the world hasn't ended or being taken over by those seeking for absolute power, I see myself being a family man having a lovely wife with two kids and by that time, I would have been a whale on hive either by attaining up to 500,000 HP, Or the value of Hive goes so high that I can reward a post up to $30 at least.

Why I believe this is possible is I would not stop building, because I stake for the future I want to build on Hive. Moreover, I am also seeking for other means of income in which I would no longer depend on my Hive earnings for my daily living.

5. What song that describe your life? And why?

This is a serious question for me, I cannot really say which song best describe my life. I have searched google but could not find anything interesting as such but if I am to say qualities that describe my life they are probably songs about being grateful, being determined, and being passionate.

I don't need to say why I chose these qualities because you already know. My whole life surrounds these qualities and I would appreciate if you refer me a song that best describe my life.

Finally! I am done answering all of @sellennee questions and it is time for me to make my question set. Okay, here they are below:

1. What is the one thing you can change in your life if you have the power to? And why?
2. If you are to meet 5 Hivers in person, who are they would you love to meet and why so?
3. What are you best qualities as a person?
4. What Superpower would you love to have and why?
5. How do you wish to spend the forth coming Christmas if all your wishes are to be granted?

For this, I would be challenging some of my friends in real life (IRL) and those that I haven't met including those who are not in the same country as I am to give participate in this interesting creative tag.

I apologize for tagging more than 10 people that's because I know a lot of people on Hive, made a lot of friends and even onboarded a lot of users. If I was to tag more than 30 people, it would be something I would do very easily without stress. So let us stay chill with these 15 people I have invited.

Rules for the creative blogger tag design made by @jongcl



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SMILE and Blogging Challenge illustrations made by @tripode.