Index4INDEX Card 228: Jean-François Copé 1

I invite everyone to choose forgiveness rather than division, teamwork over personal ambition.

-- Jean-François Copé

About the Quote

No one is perfect, and everyone fails as human beings. With our foes, it's understandable to be hard on them (especially for the "sore winners").

However, there are times where even we treat even those we love like dirt or like left-handed zeroes. On rare occasions we deliberately treat loved ones that way; this is just acknowledging that reality. Usually, though, most of the time we hurt our loved ones more out of thoughtlessness than out of any malice.

We end up doing this to others, and others end up doing this to us. Knowing that these unpleasantries happen in both directions, we need to be willing to forgive those who have wronged us. The offended person will always remember the offense done, but forgiveness is necessary in order to move forward. On top of that, maintaining resentment manifests itself as health problems later, and if we don't have our health, then we have nothing.

It's OK to have personal ambitions, but for a team to succeed they must be deferred or subordinated to team ambitions. If personal ambitions align with team ambitions, success for both the team and its members is assured.

Some Information about Jean-François Copé

Jean-François Copé was born in Boulogne-Billancourt, France on 1964-May-5. He has been an administrator, an educator, politican, an author, a spokesperson, and a cabinet official in the national government.

Like Benjamin Disraeli, his parents were of the Jewish faith and immigrants to the New Country. In this case, his parents, Roland Copé and Monique Ghanassia, came respectively from Romania Algeria. While Disraeli ended up converting to Christianity, Copé grew up as a Juif non pratiquant (non-practicing Jew).

In 1989 Copé earned his bachelor's degree from L'École nationale d'administration (The School for National Administration, better known by the French abbreviation ENA), the traditional undergraduate institution for students intending to become civil servants.

After earning his degree he worked at Caisse des dépôts et consignations (literally "the Cash drawer of deposits and checkroom"; the French public and investment organization) until 1991.

Between 1991 and 1993, Copé was at to Dexia to work as the head of cabinet (chief of staff) for the CEO while also teaching Local Economy and Finance at Science-Po.

He left both jobs in 1993 to get involed in the Gaullist political party RPR (Rassemblement pour la République; Rally for the Republic).

-- Source

Post Details

  • Index4INDEX image made by @magnacarta using MS Paint.
  • Quotes I use for Index4INDEX are stored in an Excel 2003 spreadsheet. Recently I added database functionality for limited searching.

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