More of Stone Kingdom

The resting spot
View from the top

I shared last time of our adventure at the Stone Kingdom where we climbed up to the top and enjoyed the views from there. This is the continuation of it.

There was a resting spot at the top and the restrooms at the corner which I was personally thankful about. After relieving ourselves, we spent a bit more time to rest our legs and take the fresher air.

The sky is still gloomy which added to the coolness of the place. Then we started our descent, taking pictures along the way.

The sight of the areas with green artificial grass is quite nice. I wonder if they are going to put more of it in various places. I have doubts though. It would be nice if they add more natural greens along the walkways.

They do have some flowering stuff and other ornamental plants in some areas. They are probably still in the process of incorporating more of these around the place.

There are also some smaller trees - cypress, citrus, coffee and some banana trees even along one of the walkway corners. Some of the smaller plants are yet to grow lush.

We were fascinated to see this plant, whatever it is, which decided to grow between the rocks. I actually thought they intentionally planted it there but the husband thinks otherwise, and looking at it now, I'm quite convinced that he is right.

We also spent some time in the small pond taking some mirrored images on the water and overheard some chismis which are not shareable, lol!

Anyway, from there, we went down to where the bull was. Based on what we read from the dedication board, a bull appearing in this place a few years back was the inspiration for this theme park to be built.

After taking more photos, we started another climb to where the castle-like structures were when the rain started to pour. We took shelter in one of the buildings which we believe is being constructed for a restaurant and a view deck.

We waited for over an hour but it kept raining. So we decided to leave when the rain subsided for a bit. We had to run down to where we parked the car.

We learned that the place was temporarily closed earlier this year due to some permit issues with the local government. I think they were able to sort it out so they have re-opened and are continuing with the construction of some structures on the other side of the mountain (where we were not able to check).

While our adventure was cut short because of the rain, we have plans to return to the place one day and hopefully, everything will have been finished by then. My sister said the view from the top of where we climbed is also amazing.

So yep, there will be next time!

Photos are my own and the husband. 16102023/12:00ph

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