PUKUMUNDO TRAINING EP5 - PukuTraining At Gym: Los Inicios - VZLA- 2013 - 2023

PUKUMUNDO TRAINING EP5 - PukuTraining At Gym: Los Inicios - VZLA- 2013 - 2023


PukuGreetings to all my pukufriends of Hive and PukuMundo. I present you my new video titled: PUKUMUNDO TRAINING EP5 - PukuTraining At Gym: Los Inicios - VZLA- 2013 - 2023. Blessings.

For health reasons and to lead a healthier life I have been able to reactivate myself in training, with my dumbbells, my old belts, and other training items I have in my house, I will bring you a new series of videos to give some training tips on the street, at home or in the gym, in a new section of the PukuMundo entitled PukuMundo Training, label: PKMT, where rock music accompanied by workouts and which will be uploaded on weekends, I hope you like this new content that we will bring in the PukuMundo Community.

Get ready for a healthy life with PukuMundo!!!

In the video you are going to watch and listen my reflective testimony of why it is important to train, since I started on my way training in 2013 and overcoming different difficulties and health conditions to get to resume training again. Every routine has a past and here I narrate in video mine and you can see my evolution to date.

Video traslation:

Gretings to all my name is Nahu Padilla, user @nahupuku, and in this video you will see a testimony of how I have been changing my life for the better, when I started training in 2013 10 years ago, you will see at this time a video of yesterday doing chest in the gym. Well, as you have just seen the evolution is always constant, I was sick for about a year and a half, which has been two years quite sick with bad health the last months of last year, I was much sicker still with fluid retention, I had to go to a doctor, take many pills, control the issue of hypertension, control the fluid retention and the blood pressure, I had to control my fluid retention, my kidneys, take diuretics, take Omeprazole, take several strong stomach medications that they sent me and little by little I have been recovering, I have tried to maintain a very good diet, which is the key to train and exercise, eat well, stop eating a lot of carbohydrates, eat a lot of protein, take protein. In fact I recently did a cycle of ISO 26 and also looking for a way to train daily even if you do not train at the gym, here at home for some time I had several pieces of equipment to train, for example, some dumbbells with the belts and several devices that I had here to train that I had bought 10 years ago, some special bars to do push-ups, a jump rope (the rope) and in fact I'm going to the gym basically every day, we are going @orimusic and myself, for a health issue to keep us always agile and be in shape, that is always important. That's why the invitation and the testimony of this video, is to train and I'm motivating you, you can publish in the world with the tag: #pkmt PukuMundo Training only on weekends: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, that the training has to have rock music, without copyright, because the concept of the PukuMundo community is: rock and metal, rock and metal culture, and below in the post, you are going to see photos of the evolution, that I have had since 2013, to date, when I started the gym, those first trips, and well, this is the fifth video I do, the other four deliveries, the four previous videos, you can see them here in Peakd (Hive), and just there you will check several routines that we are doing, first some home, others in gym. Orimusic will also upload his videos, and well, I hope you like this content, this new approach of PukuMundo Training, a big hug, take care, blessings, and long live Rock! And train to have a super healthy life!


Para ver en Youtube:



PukuSaludos a todos mis pukufriends de Hive y del PukuMundo. Les presento mi nuevo video titulado: PUKUMUNDO TRAINING EP5 - PukuTraining At Gym: Los Inicios - VZLA- 2013 - 2023. Bendiciones.

Por motivos de salud y para llevar una vida mas sana he podido reactivarme en los entrenamientos, con mis mancuernas, mis antiguas fajas, y demás objetos de entrenamiento que tengo en mi casa, les traeré una nueva serie de videos para dar algunos tips de entrenamiento en la calle, en la casa o en el gimnasio, en una nueva sección del PukuMundo titulada PukuMundo Training, etiqueta: PKMT, en donde la música rock acompañada de los entrenamientos y los cuales serán subidos los fines de semana, espero que les agrade este nuevo contenido que traeremos en la Pukucomunidad.

Anímate a tener una vida sana con el PukuMundo!!!

En el video vamos a encontrar un testimonio reflexivo de porque es importante entrenar, desde que inicie en mi camino entrenando en el año 2013 y superar diferentes dificultades y estados de salud para llegar a nuevamente retomar los entrenamientos. Toda rutina tiene un pasado y acá les narro en video el mío y podrán ver mi evolución hasta la fecha.





Images from 2013-2015

Imágenes del 2013 al 2015
(Tomadas de mi facebook personal)














Posts anteriores que he escrito al respecto:



Para ver la parte 1:


Para ver la parte 2:


Para ver la parte 3:


Para ver la parte 4:


Recorded at/ Grabado en: Carsfit Gym - Caracas, Vzla. Las fotos también fueron tomadas allí.


Gym camera credits: @orimusic

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PUKUNINJA URBANO - La Serie - Nahu Padilla - NNR - 2014


About 10 years ago I started to do a series of workouts in the gym, in the street and at home, and just 10 years later, now, improved health I will talk about them later, here are some images of the videos I recorded at that time:

Hace unos 10 años atrás comencé a realizar una serie de entrenamientos en el gym, en la calle y en casa, y justamente 10 años después, actualmente, mejorado de salud les hablaré mas adelante sobre los mismos, acá unas imágenes de los videos que grabe en esa época:

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Música de fondo del video:

IMG_20210728_213830_chroma_mirror (1) (1).jpg

PukuEdición by me, 2023 - NNR




Nahu Padilla #pukumundo

Bendiciones y gracias por ver mi post

Blessings and thanks for watching my post

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