Cebu Tabogon trip with my elementary friends


I'm really lucky to have some elementary friends who are actually close until now and seeing them grow makes me happy.


And so, to celebrate our long lasting friendship, we planned to have a vacation trip and originally our first plan was to go to Bantayan Island and unfortunately the plan did not go along well with us because we were short in our budget since we are still students so we devised other plan in wherein we could save more and have fun moments. One of my friends, suggested that we should option for Tabogon because she had a tita who lived there. Fast forward, a day before we travel, we stayed in one house so that everything that all we need is already settled. Another thing, some of my friends cannot go with us because of some important matters too so no choice but to go well with the plan even though we aren't complete. Finally the day has come, so since we don't have any service available, we were commuting using a bus. After 3, hours, we are in Tabogon already and we saw a place wherein it has the same vibes as Switzerland and we decided to go back to that place for picture taking.


We arrived at the bus stop and the first thing we did was to do some grocery shopping for our foods, drinks and etc. After, we arrived at the house, there we prepared our things, attires and food so that we can go right away. Our first on the list was in Turtle Island, wherein you can do cliff jumping and scuba diving. We stayed there for a bit as well and we also had our lunch too.

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And for the last stop we went to the Salag Hanging Bridge wherein we stayed at Camp Paradiso Resort for a night because it has one of the most affordable price and even though it has a lot of stairs and quite tiring, you will not regret going there because the view was really mesmerizing .We also did kayaking and it was a very great experience plus the view is very instagrammable. After all the fun moments, we prepared our dinner and we had some good drinks and we had so much fun talking about all the funny moments way back in elementary and the night went smoothly.





Morning came, I woke up early because I really wanted to witness the sunrise so I took some pictures and after that we had some light breakfast to continue our trip. And the first place we went on the second day was the Switzerland vibes that I mentioned, there we took a lot of pictures and since it was very hot, we proceed right away to our next stop which was Guiwanon Spring where the water was really refreshing and cold. It was under the shade of the trees and the place was vibrant. We stayed there for the whole afternoon.






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Then we went back to the house where we stayed in, we prepared a lot of foods for our dinner since it's already our last night. And this trip would not be complete without some drinks and the very best part was that it has a swimming pool where we can chill so we throw a swimming pool party that time too. It was already late in the night when we all finished because we had so much fun talking about our past and future moments.




It's already the last day, we already gathered and prepared all our things since we need to go home already. And so this is the end of my Tabogon Trip with Friends and with that always treasure and savor your teenager days because it's not everyday that you can experience like this.



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