Which game would you like to be able to forget and play for the first time again?

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What if we could forget❓

Recently, I asked myself a question. If I had to choose one video game to be able to totally have my memory erased about and start all over from the beginning like a brand new game again, which would it be? Of course, I could not narrow it down to just one game. Instead, I've come up with a list of a few games.

I've played so many great games over the years, some of which are still fresh in my mind. For my list today, I decided to include the most recent games, as I am spoiled with the look and feel of modern games and don't like to go back and play older classics too often. Ironically, almost every one of the games on my list today is a game I achieved the platinum trophy for on PlayStation, which means I achieved 100% completion. They were so fun, that I played them until there wasn't anything left to do.

I encourage you to make a post similar to this one and tell me which games you'd like to be able to restart. If you do, be sure to tag me so I don't miss it, and can stop by to upvote and comment. Feel free to put your own spin on it.

The games 🎮

Alright, enough explaining what my idea for this was. It's time to get into the list of games. I have a total of 7 games which I will talk about today. I will also add a bonus game that isn't featured in the video portion of this post since it is not available on PlayStation consoles.

Cyberpunk 2077

This is a game that I forced myself to play right at launch, despite it releasing in horrible condition. This game was pretty broken, but I still powered through nearly 100 hours of content to achieve 100%. I wish I could start it over since now it has been upgraded to a next-gen version and has most of the bugs fixed. Everyone is done hating on Cyberpunk and it is back to being on top again ever since Edgerunners was released on Netflix. I'm looking forward to the DLC next year, but that is still many months off. As messed up as this game was when I played it, I still loved it. One major benefit of playing when I did was the infinite money glitch I was able to take advantage of.



To this day, Control is still one of the best uses of the PS5's DualSense. Plus the game is always just so freaking cool. I love basically everything about this one and even after I finished everything in it, I was still wanting to play more. What makes this even better is that I got the game for free with PS Plus for one month.


Ghost of Tsushima

This very well may be my favorite RPG ever created. I'm obsessed with Japanese culture and this game did the best job ever of putting you in the shoes of a samurai. I played the daylights out of this. Then the multiplayer mode Legends came out and I did it again. I had tons of fun playing this with @raizel. I even came back to the game for a third time once the Director's Cut edition came out with DLC. The Iki Island exspansion was very much worth my time too. I have nothing but love for Ghost of Tsushima and I really hope a sequel comes eventually. I can't wait for the movie that Sony is working on.


God of War

I somehow managed to wait until 2020 to finally play God of War. This might just be the most slept-on game for me. I thought I wouldn't enjoy it for so long. Once I started playing it, I instantly fell in love. It's just as good as most say it is, if not even better. I am absolutely hyped for God of War Ragnarök to come out this November. That is the closest I will get to be able to forget and replay this game.


Horizon Forbidden West

I blazed through Forbidden West earlier this year. I somehow managed to finish everything in under 50 hours. My goodness was it one of the most gorgeous games ever. The whole hunting robotic dinosaurs thing is just so cool. My favorite part of the game was simply exploring and finding all of the different locations. It was an absolute pleasure playing this one and I enjoyed it quite a bit more than the original Zero Dawn game thanks to many quality of life improvements.


Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order

Another game here that I slept on for quite a while. I assumed this game would either be too hard or just now fun. It has a decent amount of difficulty, but it didn't take long for me to get good at it. I love pretty much anything Star Wars, so I should have known this game would be amazing. It was another title that I just enjoyed exploring the world in. It was made even better by having some of the best combat ever, at least to me. I definitely will be playing the sequel Star Wars: Jedi Survivor, which is slated for 2023.


The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Oh, The Witcher. This game has become even more popular over the last few years thanks to the Netflix series with Henry Cavill. I love that show so much, but the game was somehow even more enjoyable. I first played it when it originally came out on in 2015. I had never heard of The Witcher, but the trailers made it seem so cool. Indeed it was. I somehow didn't end up finishing it, not sure why. I recently re-purchased the game and got the complete edition. I'm waiting for the PS5 upgrade to come out, which is supposed to be here before 2022 is over, but we shall see. I will probably make an attempt to restart the game at that point, as I'm sure there will be a period where I do not have anything new to play. Still, that isn't going to be the same as totally forgetting everything that I've already experienced in the game. At least it has been a while, so my memory will be pretty foggy.


Gears of War and Call of Duty Multiplayer


Last on this list are my two favorite multiplayer shooter games of all-time. I'm talking about the Gears of War and Call of Duty franchises. Both have been out since I was very young. I've played every single COD game ever and the same can be said about Gears. It's been a bit more difficult for me to play Gears since switching to PlayStation from Xbox when the PS4 launched. I somehow have still managed to get my hands on the latest Gears games, although I haven't been able to put as many hours into it as I used to. COD, well that one just seems to be one of my favorite games every single year. There is something about both of these games that is just so fun to me. It also helps that I'm pretty good at both of them. Oh, what I'd do to go back and re-experience both of these for the first time.

Now it is your turn 🔄

I've given you my list of games which I wish I could forget and restart. Now it is your chance to tell me which games you'd select. You can go the easy route and just comment on this post and tell me. Or, you can elect to create your own post like this one and I'll be sure to stop by and check out what you have to share.

Thanks for reading today's blog and do not forget that there is a video version of this at the top of the post.


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