I got the platinum trophy for Horizon Forbidden West

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I'll take all of the trophies, please 🏆

Setting a goal and then smashing right through it feels pretty damn good. I said I would get the platinum trophy for Horizon Forbidden West and I did it!

I knew that Forbidden West was going to be an amazing video game, but it turned out to be even better than I was expecting. I loved every single bit of my time spent playing this game and could go on and on about why any PlayStation gamer should certainly do the same.

Lets discuss what it took for me to unlock every single trophy.


I tried to focus mostly on the main story and then work on all of the extra content, but it was hard to not get side-tracked. This game pushes you to explore and naturally, I did just that many times, instead of following my main quest marker.

In total there are 59 trophies, including the platinum itself. That may sound like a lot, but I promise all of it was enjoyable and fairly straightforward. I relied on this guide https://www.powerpyx.com/horizon-forbidden-west-trophy-guide-roadmap/ any time that I encountered a major struggle.

Forbidden West was released on February 18th and I finished everything by March 3rd. That's less than two weeks, not bad at all if you ask me.


What is wild is that Forbidden West's platinum trophy ended up being my 2000th trophy. I only have 15 platinum trophies in total, so doing this is a pretty big deal to me. At least from my gamer goggles, it is.

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I spent a total of about 44 hours with Forbidden West. As you can see, I only played Zero Dawn for around 16 hours. I think it helps a lot that I got FW at launch. I didn't purchase ZD until many years after it had already been out. Both games are still great, but FW is by far a better game in every aspect.

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One thing that is different with Foribbden West compared to most open world games is that you don't actually have to get 100% game completion to unlock the platinum trophy. The game doesn't require that you be a completionist, rather just completing the main things and experiencing a little of everything else. I could totally see myself diving back into this game at some point just to explore some more ruins and down many more machines with my full arsenal of upgraded weapons.

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I maxed out my Warrior stats before everything else. This was mainly so I could finish all of the melee pits early and get some much-needed upgrades to my fighting capabilities. You have the opportunity to max out everything if you play enough, there is no shortage of skill points in Forbidden West. Main and side missions award you several points usually and you also get points every time that you level up, all the way to the max level of 50.


I successfully hunted and killed every single type of machine in the game. Specter Prime was the most difficult, but that one is a bit unique and you can find out for yourself why late into the story. Besides that, I'd say that the Thunderjaw intimidated me the most. It was the most difficult machine that I ran into early on in the game. Dreadwings are also pretty intense since they fly and are very powerful. Then you have the massive tanks like Rockbreaker, Tremortusk, and Shellsnapper. The variety of machines makes sure that every hunt feels challenging and it keeps you guessing until you have mastered everything.

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Hopefully, you saw my Horizon Forbidden West photo mode dump posts already. If not, go back and check them out. I explained how I spent countless hours pausing my game and setting up glorious shots. The photo mode was one of the best parts of playing Forbidden West for me. This world is meant to be seen and explored. That also means it is meant to be captured and shared with those who may be unable to experience this game.


Forbidden West was one of the best open world RPGs that I have ever played. The game does so many things well and I just can't say much of anything bad about it. The characters, world, and gameplay all just feel so good to me and I'm so thankful that I was able to play this on PS5. If you are lucky enough to get your hands on this game, please let me know how much you love it. I will never be against having a dope conversation about Horizon Forbidden West.


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