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I got the platinum trophy for Cyberpunk 2077 on PS5

This is determination

I spent just under 100 hours with Cyberpunk 2077. It was nowhere near as good as I expected it to be, but I still ended up having a good time with the game overall.

This video shows highlights of me unlocking every single trophy for Cyberpunk 2077 on PS5.

Continue on to read more about my thoughts concerning this awkward release.



What happened here CD Projekt Red?

I’m confused how there are so many things missing from Cyberpunk 2077 that were once promised. This video does a great job of breaking down all of the unfulfilled promises from the devs at CDPR.

It seems as though they just couldn’t do some of the things they set out to do. It’s baffling considering they had so much money available to them and so many other games have been able to do things that were simply left out in Cyberpunk 2077.


I was so excited to start this game

The wait for Cyberpunk 2077 to be released was extremely long since the initial teaser was released around 8 years ago. We all had such high hopes for Cyberpunk 2077 since it was being created by a team with such a strong reputation after releasing The Witcher 3. Sadly, it just didn’t pan out how everyone had hoped.

As soon as I began playing this game I began to notice tons of silly glitches and quite a few game breaking bugs. Luckily I am a man of extremely high patience, so having my game crash at least 100 times throughout my play through and having to reload my most recent save wasn’t enough to get me to quit. I had after all set a goal to get the platinum trophy on this game.

One of my new habits I picked up with this game was pausing to save before nearly every single thing I did. I never knew when my game may crash on my PS5, I can only imagine how bad the experience was on PS4.


How did I manage to finish this broken game?

I will admit I was having a blast playing the main story of this game, despite all of the issues I was having. It still seemed worth it and I was living off of the hype for this game a bit too. After the main story and the best side gigs, it began to get a bit tedious for me.

There is no variety of side activities, it just felt like I was cleaning up all of the left over stuff on the map just to get the trophies. Upgrading my character seemed rather pointless. In no way did feel a need to build my character in any certain manner. Also my initial choice of life path did absolutely nothing for me after the first hour.

Yet I kept playing. The side of me determined to complete this game is what propelled me to the end. There were some cool things here and there, but honestly this one just didn’t live up to what I had hoped it to be. I can’t believe they are already planning to release DLC. I will probably play it since it’ll be free, but I don’t expect it to be anything spectacular. Same goes for the multiplayer that is coming eventually, it may or may not be worth spending more time with.

I can’t imagine the eventual PS5 version giving me any reason to do another play through. I really was expecting to want to play multiple characters and I now I just don’t want to at all. The RPG elements are lacking big time, there doesn’t seem like there is anything I missed out on my making certain choices.


I don’t want a refund

Even though this game is nothing like they said it would be and has its issues, I still have love for it. Much like an old used up toy that you just don’t want to let go of as a child. I am happy I played this game and completed it to its entirety. Most of the bad things that have been said about Cyberpunk 2077 are true, but it’s still not totally worthless. If you are one of those people who never kept up with the hype before release and just happen upon Cyberpunk 2077 six months after release, then you may think it’s amazing. As long as it’s on a next-gen console or PC of course.

I don’t know how the devs are going to make up for all of the broken promises. They are receiving such a large amount of backlash and hate from gamers, it will take a lot to wipe off this shame. I think CDPR will learn from this and what they do next will be better. They will probably even fix most of the issues in Cyberpunk 2077, eventually. I do not think it will ever become what we had all visualized it to be. It’s just not going to happen.


Cyberpunk 2077 was a bust, but still profitable

It’s a good thing we all preordered this game and didn’t see reviews before getting our copies. I’m glad my reputation wasn’t on the line with this release, I would be feeling quite embarrassed right about now. Instead I just got to play through it and enjoy bits and pieces.

Some of the story is down right amazing and just so perfect for the way I think. The environment looks great when it’s working and I felt like I was truly living in the future at times.

Other times I was questioning why I was still playing the game. I also wondered why it was already available instead of still in development. This is because gamers had been begging for it, we lack patience sometimes. Cyberpunk 2077 is one of those things that just needed more time. A lot more time.

I’m still proud that I am one of the people who took the time to finish everything in Night City, even though it was a bit lackluster. Just be careful going into this game, because there will be issues.










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