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Losing weight


Hello everyone!

I didn't find the time yesterday to write an article as I was really exhausted in the evening. During the day, I was really busy at work, so didn't manage to write one. In the evening, I wanted to spend some time on Hive but as I wanted to curate threads for the #freecompliments community, I preferred to fullfill my job over writan article. Today was busy at work once again, in the evening I did some sport and now, right before going to bed, I found some time to write an article. This time, I will write about being healthy. It's definitely a theme on which I've (nearly) never written, so thought to touch it atleast once ^^


A couple of months ago, in April of this year to be more precise, I had a medical exam. One of the aspects was to measure my weight. As I sometimes check it but definitely not that often, I was a bit surprised to see it at 98kg. The last years I hovered around 90kg, so 98kg was a decent climb. I wouldn't consider myself fat, although I definitely have a belly, but think that having too much weight can't be healthy. As the 'milestone' of 100kg was coming really close, I decided to change some patterns in my daily life.

As I don't believe in crash diets, I decided to change my meals slightly. I don't often breakfast but when I do it often contains quite some sugar. Now, I don't breakfast anymore (I know it's often considered as the most important meal etc.), but I'm not hungry and not feel like taking a breakfast. As lunch, I used to eat bread with meat and or cheese. As bread has a lot of carbs in it, I decided to get rid of this kind of meal. I replaced it with some yoghurt (without sugar), fresh fruit and nuts. In that case I would have a variety of nutrients in my food without having too much sugars, bad fats or carbs. As I really enjoy bread with meat, I decided I would still eat it in the weekends. Knowing that I wouldn't lose weight that fast that way, but it would be more easy to stay consistent. My meal in the evening is usually quite balanced. Probably sometimes too much meat but I usually eat meat with vegetables so it seems okay to me. It's not that I'll never eat carbs at dinner, more like 50% of the time I do.

Another important aspect of my plan was to sport more. I do some sport, but definitely don't move enough. As I am able to work from home a lot, I don't set enough steps on these days. Days with just a couple of 100steps were no exception. I've tried a couple of things in the past like running and swimming. I swam in the pool of a city nearby but the barrier of grabbing my swim stuff, driving there, changing clothes, etc. was a too big barrier. So I decided I should go running, did some research and found out that the underground is very important. For example a Finnish runway is perfect. As I had to drive towards one, the barrier was too big once again. Thus I decided to start walking over noon when I worked at home. When I had to commute, I usually reached my 10k steps, which was fine for me. These walks over noon were atleast some movement I had. A couple of weeks later, we got Molly, our dog. Since than, we're slowly building up her walks and so are mine. It definitely helps me to go for a walk a couple of times a day. Although it's just 20 minutes for a walk, doing a couple of these is already something.


By taking above actions, I managed to loose 5 kg so far over the course of 4months. It may not sound that much, but as said I rather do it step by step than crashing and rebouncing afterwards!

Thanks for reading!

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