Yoga Demo by Yashpal Rautela , The founder of Rishikesh Vinyasa Yoga School

#AshtangaYoga #Yoga #VinyasaYoga
#Yoga #Asana - Steadies the entire body through different physical postures held in a steady and comfortable manner withoutstrain. Physical balance and a sense of ease with oneself enhance mental / emotional balance and enable all physiologicalprocesses to occur in a healthy manner
What is Yoga ?
Yoga is the original mind-body medicine that has enabled individuals to attain and maintain sukha sthanam, adynamic sense of physical, mental and spiritual well being. Bhagavad-Gita defines Yoga as samatvam meaning therebythat Yoga is equanimity at all levels, a state wherein physical homeostasis and mental equanimity occur in a balancedand healthy harmony. Yogamaharishi Dr Swami Gitananda Giri Guru Maharaj, the visionary founder of Ananda Ashram at theInternational Centre for Yoga Education and Research (ICYER) in Pondicherry and one of the foremost authorities on
Yoga in the past century, has explained the concept of Yoga Chikitsa (Yoga as a therapy) in the following lucid manner.
To achieve this Yogic integration at all levels of our being, it is essential that we take into consideration the allencompassing multi dimensional aspects of Yoga that include the following: a healthy life nourishing diet, a healthy andnatural environment, a wholistic lifestyle, adequate bodywork through Asanas, Mudras and Kriyas, invigorating breathwork through the use of Pranayama and the production of a healthy thought process through the higher practices of Jnana Yoga and Raja Yoga
#AshtangaYoga #VinyasaYoga #Rishikesh

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