A Martyr Way of Facing Ferocity



Hello there! @Saydie here, playing Splinterlands everyday!

I'm here for this week's Battle Mage Secrets with the featured rule set Ferocity. It is a rule set where all monsters gained the Fury ability.

The Battle that I will show to you this week was from my @crimepoet account from which is an alt account I'm using with the NFTY Arcade card delegation and was grinding on the Diamond league of the modern format but before I show you the battle, let us learn more about this rule set.

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Rule Set Icon

All monsters have the fury.png Fury ability.
Avoid using monsters with taunt.png Taunt because fury.png Fury deals double damage on those monsters.
The ability was first released with Riftwatchers which is a mini set of Chaos Legion and was later made into a ruleset.

Cards with Taunt Ability:

These were the cards with the Taunt ability which was mostly avoided when Ferocity ruleset was active. That said, the battle that I will show you will tell a different story.

Rule set Divider_ferocity.png

Revealing Battle Conditions and Team Lineup


Rule Set

04- Diamond 1 Modern.png
Diamond League
Modern Format
60 Mana Cap
Available Elements: 01- fire.png Fire, 5-Life.png Life, 4-Death.png Death
Equal Opportunity
All monsters have the opportunity.png Opportunity ability.
All monsters have the fury.png Fury ability.

Opponent's Line- up


My Team


For this battle, we have the featured rule set Ferocity gives the Fury ability on all monsters along with Equal Opportunity so they would also have the Opportunity ability. Given this conditions, my lineup was consist of:

  • Summoner: I used Grandmaster Rathe that gives +1 armor on all ally monsters and with it, it also gives the Void Armor ability where magic attacks need to attack the armor first before damaging the health of the monster and Amplify ability that increases the reflected damage by +1.

  • 1st Position: I used Arkemis the Bear to give additional 2 armor using the Protect ability and will only received 1 damage from monsters with more than 5 damage because of Forcefield. It also has the Halfing ability which cuts the attack of the target by half and Enrage so it will have an increased speed and attack when it receives damage.

  • 2nd Position: I placed the Jared Scar with its huge attack damage with the Piercing and True Strike will not left any opponent unscathed plus it has the Bloodlust ability which increases all its stats as it defeats an opponent.

  • 3rd Position: I used Iziar with the Taunt ability becomes the target of attacks which gets doubled because of Fury but it has the Martyr ability which will increase all the stats of the monsters that are adjacent to it when it was defeated.

  • 4th Position: I placed Djinn Renova as it can heal the backline monster with the most damage with Triage and increases the health of all allied monsters with Strengthen.

  • 5th Position: I placed Adelade Brightwing for can restore the armor of an allied monster every turn with Repair and could revive one monster that was defeated with Resurrect. It also has Swiftness which increases the speed of all allied monsters and Flying that increases its dodge chance by 25%.

  • 6th Position: I placed High Priest Darius which would also provide another Resurrect.

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Revealing Battle Secrets


Pre- battle Phase: Applying ability buffs and de- buffs

Round 1:


  • The first one to attack was Arkemis the Bear, hitting Evelyn Auvera but only takes 3 of its armor, the same that was taken on Arkemis the Bear because the target has Thorns. It gets attacked next by Iziar for another 2 armor and Djinn Renova for 4, removing all of its armor.

  • Opponent's Djinn Renova, removing all of its armor followed by Chaos Knight attaking with a total of 16 damage because its damage gets multiplied by 4 because of Fury and Giant Killer which causes Iziar to be defeated but also activated the Martyr before resurrected by Adelade Brightwing.

  • Jared Scar defeats Evelyn Auvera but was resurrected by the opponent's Adelade Brightwing. it was then attacked by High Priest Darius for 3 armor damage.

  • The opponent's Jared Scar attacks Iziarwhich again activates the Martyr. It was resurrected by High Priest Darius this time but was defeated by the opponent's Adelade Brightwing as it restored the armor of Evelyn Auvera with Repair.

  • Adelade Brightwing Repair the armor of Arkemis the Bear and attacks Evelyn Auvera for 2 armor damage.

Round 2:


  • Djinn Renova attacks Evelyn Auvera, removing all of its armor followed by an attack by Jared Scar that defeats it.

  • Arkemis the Bear attacks Disintegrator for 3 armor damage and has afflicted it with Halving though it Retaliates removing the armor of Arkemis the Bear

  • The opponents Djinn Renova removes the armor of Adelade Brightwing and was defeated by Jared Scar.

  • Chaos Knight removes the armor of High Priest Darius followed by 2 magic damage by Adelade Brightwing as it restores the armor of Disintegrator.

  • Disintegrator attacks Arkemis the Bear for 2 damage which activates its Enrage.

  • High Priest Darius removes the armor of Adelade Brightwing.

Round 3:


  • Jared Scar defeats the opponents Adelade Brightwing.

  • Djinn Renova removes the armor of Chaos Knight followed by an attack by Arkemis the bear to Disintegrator.

  • Opponent's Jared Scar defeats High Priest Darius.

  • Arkemis the Bear Receives 4 damage from Djinn Renova and 2 damage from Disintegrator

  • Round 4:


  • Djinn Renova Defeats Chaos Knight.

  • Arkemis the Bear attacks Disintegrator for 5 damage.

  • The Opponents Djinn Renova defeats Arkemis the Bear.

  • Disintegrator attacks Jared Scar for 2 armor Damage.

Round 5:


  • Jared Scar defeats Disintegrator.

  • Dijinn Renova removes the armor of the opponents Djinn Renova. The opponents Djinn Renova removes the armor of my Jared Scar.

  • The opponent's Jared Scar has left my Djinn Renova with 5 health.

Round 6 and 7:


  • Jared Scar defeats the opponents Djinn Renova.

  • Djinn Renova removes the armor of the opponent's Jared Scar.

  • The opponent's Jared Scar attacks my Jared Scar and was left with 6 health.


As my Jared Scar was way faster and has bigger damage than my opponent, mine was the first to attack and was able to one- hit the opponent which ends the battle in my win.

Here is a replay of the battle which at you can watch at Splinterlands.

Rule set Divider_ferocity.png

Did your Strategy Work?

Most of the time people will avoid the use of the Taunt ability when Ferocity ruleset was in play because despite all the health those monster have, the double damage from the rule set would cause them to lose right away but with the match that I played here, I have take advantage on the fact and use Iziar which have a Taunt because at the same time, it also has the Martyr ability that increases the stats of Jared Scar and Djinn Renova for 3x because it was supported by 2 monsters with Resurrect and this increase on stats has allowed for my monsters to gain an advantage compared to the same monster my opponent has. At the end of the battle, Djinn Renova has a total of 7 damage while Jared Scar has 16 damage (3 from Martyr and 6 from Bloodlust).

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Previous Battles

Close Range.pngCounterspell.pngEarthquake.pngequalizer.png
equalopportunity.pngExplosive Weaponry.pngFire & Regret.pngFog of War.png
To read previous articles, just click on the image of the article that you want to read.


All the image that I edited here belongs to Splinterlands.

All the battle links provided comes from my personal accounts and from the scholar account that I am using from Balthazar Guild.

Card abilities and rulesets from Splintercards

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