Don't Range or You Will Fire & Regret

Fire & Regret.png


Hello there! @Saydie here, playing Splinterlands everyday!

I'm here for this week's Battle Mage Secrets with the featured rule set Fire and Regret. It is a rule set gives the Return Fire ability on all monsters.

The Battle that I will show to you this week was from bltzr-wizard-726 account from which which is the scholar account awarded to me by Balthazar guild that has max level Chaos Legion deck and is currently playing on the Diamond league for modern but before I show you the battle, let us learn more about this rule set.

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Fire & Regret

Rule Set Icon

Close Range
All monsters have the return fire.png Return Fire ability.
When hit with a Ranged attack, Monsters with return fire.png Return Fire will return reduced damage back to their attacker
Damage returned is equal to damage of attacker. divided by 2, rounded up.

Abilities to Consider:

Buff Abilities
De- buff Abilities
Counter Abilities
Desired Abilities
protect.png Protect
divine shield.png Divine Shield
demoralize.png Demoralize
rust.png Rust
silence.png Silence
magic reflect.png Magic Reflect
thorns.png Thorns
shield.png Shield
amplify.png Amplify
ability void.png Void
reflection shield.png Reflection Shield
  • Protect and Divine Shield if monsters have extra armor and divine shield, their health won't be reduced so easily even if you use Range monsters.

  • When most range cards cannot be used, options will be either melee and magic so having Silence and Demoralize will reduce the potential damage you can received to the opponent and reducing their armor with Rust will help to attack your opponent more effectively.

  • Since you will only be left with magic or melee, counter abilities will also be handy to have such as Thorns and Magic Reflect which will deal damage back to the attacker.

  • To increase your defense against your opponent, having Shield and Void would also help reduce the damage taken from their attacks. That also means that if you use range monsters with Shield, Return Fire damage will be reduced.

  • Amplify monsters will be handy with this battle as they will increase the damage of Return Fire or any counter abilities by +1.

  • There are monsters with Reflection Shield ability and that makes them immune to reflected damage regardless of their attack type.

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Revealing Battle Conditions and Team Lineup


Rule Set

04- Diamond 1 Modern.png
Diamond League
Modern Format
57 Mana Cap
Available Elements: 5-Life.png Life
Aim True
00-melee.png Melee and 00-ranged.png Range attacks always hit their target.
What Doesn't Kill You
All Monsters have the enrage.png Enrage ability.
Fire and Regret
All monsters have the return fire.png Return Fire ability

Opponent's Line- up


My Team


For this battle, we have the featured rule set Fire & Regret which gives the Return Fire ability on all monsters so using ranged is the last monster we want to use and will focus on either melee or range instead. We also have Aim True which makes attacks to not miss and What Doesn't Kill You that gives the Enrage ability on all monster. Given this conditions, my lineup was consist of:

  • Summoner: I used Grandmaster Rathe as we only have Life Element to choose and it gives +1 armor together with the Void Armor and Amplify ability that gives my team some protection against magic attacks and increases the damage from Return Fire.

  • 1st Position: I used Jared Scar though it was slow and does not have much health, it has huge damage with Piercing ability so even when an opponent has lots of health and armor, it would not last very long. As it defeats monster it will also grow stronger with the Bloodlust ability.

  • 2nd Position: I placed the Venator Kinjo as secondary tank since it has the Reflection Shield ability which makes it immune to blast damage and won't be targeted by attacks with Camouflage ability. It also has Slow that reduces the speed of all opponent monsters.

  • 3rd Position: I used Forgotten One which has the Piercing ability that allows it's attacks to penetrate the armor of the target.

  • 4th Position: I placed Chaos Dragon which already has the Blast ability but it also has the Scattershot ability which allows it to attack random monsters. It also got blind that increases the chance for the opponent to miss its attack by 15%.

  • 5th Position: I placed Djinn Inferni that deals twice the damage on opponents with more than 10 mana with Giant Killer and possibly Stun the target.

  • 6th Position: I placed Supply Runner which increases the health and speed of all monsters with Swiftness and Strengthen.

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Revealing Battle Secrets


Pre- battle Phase: Applying ability buffs and de- buffs

Round 1:


  • The first one to attack was Venari Crystalsmithand attacked Iziar, removing its armor and all of its buffs through Cleanse but because Venari Crystalsmith was a range monster, it 3 damage due to Return Fire and Amplify taking effect.

  • Djinn Renova restore the health of Venari Crystalsmith through Triage and deal 2 damage to Iziar.

  • Uriel the Purifier lost 4 armor and 4 health with the barrage of attacks from my monsters causing it to Enrage and gain 6 speed and 6 melee damage.

  • Prismologist attacks Iziar for 5 damage and another 3 to the armor of Magi of Chaos and Djinn Renova through Blast but because it was also a range monster, it receives Return Fire damage from each monster causing it to be defeated but was ressurected by Adelade Brightwing.

  • Iziar gets another 2 damage from Doctor Blight and Adelade Brightwing of the opponent while Uriel the Purifier gets another 7 damage from my Adelade Brightwing and Jared Scar.

Round 2:


  • Venari Crystalsmith restores 4 health to Uriel the Purifier then defeats Iziar, receiving 3 damage in turn but this has cause for the Martyr ability to take effect and increases all of the stats of Magi of Chaos and Djinn Renova by +1. Right after, it was resurrected by Adelade Brightwing.

  • Uriel the Purifier has healed for another 4 health and has attacked Jared Scar removing its armor.

  • Djinn Renova restores 4 health of Iziar and attack Uriel the Purifier with 4 damage.

  • Prismologist strikes again on Iziar, receiving the same damage from before and caused it to be defeated the 2nd time.

  • Venari Crystalsmith's health was restored by Djinn Renova who attacks Iziar for 2 damage.

  • Jared Scar defeated Uriel the Purifier, increasing all of its stats through Bloodlust. Right away, Redemption took effect and has deal 1 damage to all my monsters.

  • Doctor Blight defeated Iziarwhich again increases the stats of Magi of Chaos and Djinn Renova.

Round 3:


  • With 6 damage my Djinn Renova has defeated the opponents.

  • Venari Crystalsmith attacks Jared Scar removing all of its buffs and in return received 3 damage.

  • Magi of Chaos defeats Adelade Brightwing.

  • Doctor Blight attacks Jared Scar which caused it to be Enrage, gaining 11 damage and 3 speed. In return, it attacks Doctor Blight and defeated it, gaining +1 on all stats.

  • The outcome of the match has been decided when Adelade Brightwing defeated Venari Crystalsmith which is the last monster on the opponent's team.

Here is a replay of the battle which at you can watch at Splinterlands.

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Did your Strategy Work?

With Fire & Regret on play, I avoided the use of range monsters and has resorted on using melee and magic instead. Surprisingly, the opponent has chosen 2 of its monsters to be range where one of them has the Blast ability which has made it worst for him since I have a Taunt monster and attacking it means receiving the Return Fire damage for 3 times and with the Amplify from my summoner, it becomes more deadly. At the same time, I can inflict damage on the opponent without any reflection ability which has made the match very favorable for me with multiple monsters with boosted stats.

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Previous Battles

Briar Patch.pngBroken Arrows_banner.pngClose Range.pngCounterspell.png
Earthquake.pngequalizer.pngequalopportunity.pngExplosive Weaponry.png
To read previous articles, just click on the image of the article that you want to read.


All the image that I edited here belongs to Splinterlands.

All the battle links provided comes from my personal accounts and from the scholar account that I am using from Balthazar Guild.

Card abilities and rulesets from Splintercards

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