No Stealth Allowed With Fog of War

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Hello there! @Saydie here, playing Splinterlands everyday!

I'm here for this week's Battle Mage Secrets with the featured rule set Fog of War. It is a rule set where monsters lose their abilities to use Sneak, Snipe and Opportunity ability.

The Battle that I will show to you this week was from bltzr-wizard-726 account from which which is the scholar account awarded to me by Balthazar guild that has max level Chaos Legion deck and is currently playing on the Diamond league for modern but before I show you the battle, let us learn more about this rule set.

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Fog of War

Rule Set Icon

Fog of War
Monsters lose the sneak.png Sneak,snipe.png Snipe and opportunity.png Opportunity abilities.
A good tank and a balanced line up of Magic and Ranged monsters is the trick to win in this ruleset.

Abilities to Consider:

Buff Abilities
De- buff Abilities
Counter Abilities
Desired Abilities
protect.png Protect
divine shield.png Divine Shield
headwinds.png Headwinds
rust.png Rust
silence.png Silence
magic reflect.png Magic Reflect
return fire.png Return Fire
shield.png Shield
amplify.png Amplify
ability void.png Void
reach.png Reach
scattershot.png Scattershot
  • Protect and Divine Shield if monsters have extra armor and divine shield, their health won't be reduced so easily.

  • Since majority of the monster most of the time are composed of magic and range having Headwinds and Silence would reduce the damage that they could inflict towards your monsters while having Rust would reduced their armor and will be easier for you to land a hit on the monsters.

  • You can also prepare to counter their attack by preparing monsters with magic Reflect or Return Fire so so the opponent also got damage when they attack.

  • To increase your defense against your opponent, having Shield and Void would also help reduce the damage taken from their attacks.

  • Amplify monsters will be handy with this battle as they will increase the damage of Return Fire and Magic Reflect or any counter abilities by +1.

  • You can also use melee monsters with Reach and that way, they can also be able to attack even at the second position.

  • Scattershot will attack random enemies and completely ignores Fog of War.

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Revealing Battle Conditions and Team Lineup


Rule Set

04- Diamond 1 Modern.png
Diamond League
Modern Format
31 Mana Cap
Available Elements: 02-Water.png Water, 5-Life.png Life, 4-Death.png Death, 6-Dragon.png Dragon
Keep Your Distance
Monsters with 00-melee.png Melee attack may not be used in battle.
Fog of War
Monsters lose the sneak.png Sneak, snipe.png Snipe and opportunity.png Opportunity abilities.
Rise of the Commons
Only common and rare monsters may be used in battles

Opponent's Line- up


My Team


For this battle, we have the featured rule set Fog of War which disables the use of Sneak, Snipe and Opportunity ability meaning most attacks would be directed on the first position. We also have Keep Your Distance meaning, we can't also use melee monsters and Rise of the Commons that means we can only use monsters up to the rare rarity. Given this conditions, my lineup was consist of:

  • Summoner: I used Grandmaster Rathe that gives +1 armor on all ally monsters and with it, it also gives the Void Armor ability where magic attacks need to attack the armor first before damaging the health of the monster and Amplify ability that increases the reflected damage by +1.

  • 1st Position: I used Pelacor Conjurer cause even though it does not have any attack, it was very fast and have the Flying ability which makes it hard for monsters to hit it. It also have Phase that allows it to evade magic attacks but when they hit, it has the Magic Reflect ability to return the damage to them.

  • 2nd Position: I placed the Scavo Hireling cause even though this is another monster that cannot attack, it has the Repair ability to restore the armor of an ally monster and Slow that will make the monsters of the opponent team slower.

  • 3rd Position: I used Time Mage as my only magic monster but with it, it comes with the Rust ability that reduces the armor of all opponent monsters and another Slow to make the opponent team slower again.

  • 4th Position: I placed Supply Runner which is a range monster that increases the speed of all ally monster with Swiftness and health with Strengthen.

  • 5th Position: I placed Pelacor Arbalest for it can attack twice per turn with the Double Strike ability and have good chance to evade attacks with Flying.

  • 6th Position: I placed Venari Crystalsmith that can provide Tank Heal and removes all the positive status effects on the target with Dispel.

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Revealing Battle Secrets


Pre- battle Phase: Applying ability buffs and de- buffs

Round 1:


  • The first one to attack was Supply Runner, hitting Pelacor Conjurer but did not take any damage due to Divine Shield.

  • Venari Wavesmith attacks next which this time removes the armor from Pelacor Conjurer together with the buffs it has with Dispel but as a result, it receives 3 damage from Magic Reflect. 2 health was later restored whenAngelic Mandarin uses Triage as it attacks Pelacor Conjurer that receives 2 damage.

  • At the same time Time Mage attacks Naga Assassin for 2 damage followed by another 2 from Supply Runner.

  • Sacvo Hireling Repair the armor of Pelacor Conjurer before it gets attacked by River Nymph which also use Cleanse to remove the de- buff on Naga Assassin but also received 2 Magic Reflect.

  • Venari Crystalsmith use Tank Heal on Pelacor Conjurer but got damage due to Backfire when it misses the attack. Gargoya Devil attacks for 4 damage.

  • Pelacor Arbalest missed the attack twice so it received 2 damage from Backfire.

Round 2:


  • Time Mage defeats Naga Assassin while Supply Runner attacks Gargoya Devil, removing its armor.

  • Scavo Hireling restores the armor of Pelacor Conjurer so once again, Venari Wavesmith only attacks the armor but received 3 damage instead where 2 health was restored by Angelic Mandarin but misses the attack.

  • River Nymph attacks Pelacor Conjurer and recieves 2 damage back.

  • Attacks from Pelacor Arbalest and Venari Crystalsmith reduce the health of Gargoya Devil to 2.

Round 3:


  • Time Mage defeats Gargoya Devil.

  • Scavo Hireling Repairs the armor of Pelacor Conjurer and also was restored with 2 health by Venari Crystalsmith.

  • Pelacor Arbalest defeats Angelic Mandarin.

  • Round 4 and 5:


  • Time Mage defeats River Nmyph.

  • Venari Wavesmith was defeated by Venari Crystalsmith.


As Supply Runner was the only monster left and cannot attack, it only take 1 attack from Time Mage for it to be defeated, ending the match with my win.

Here is a replay of the battle which at you can watch at Splinterlands.

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Did your Strategy Work?

When the attacks were mainly focused on the first position due to the Fog of War rule set, the importance of having a good tank can dictate the outcome of the match and if possible to also make the secondary and third position to also have good health to sustain the barrage of attacks. With this battle, although it only has 2 mana, placing Pelacor Conjurer has proven to be very helpful because range attacks find it hard to hit it while magic recives damage back when they did and while they are focused on trying to damage Pelacor Conjurer, I was able to hit them more and winning the match, proof that my strategy for this ruleset has worked.

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Previous Battles

Broken Arrows_banner.pngClose Range.pngCounterspell.pngEarthquake.png
equalizer.pngequalopportunity.pngExplosive Weaponry.pngFire & Regret.png
To read previous articles, just click on the image of the article that you want to read.


All the image that I edited here belongs to Splinterlands.

All the battle links provided comes from my personal accounts and from the scholar account that I am using from Balthazar Guild.

Card abilities and rulesets from Splintercards

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