After gathering the traits mapping from each of the Splinter faction, we finally arrived on the closure where we will combine the mapping from the entire Splinter faction. We will have Fire, Water, Earth, Life, Death, and Dragon Splinter. You can see the link to each posts here (Fire, Water, Earth, Life, Death, and Dragon). So let's start by viewing the general outlook.

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Card Distribution



Based on the number of cards alone, there are 70 magic cards from entire Splinterland faction. The cards distribution are centered on 3 mana up to 8 mana, with the highest concentration on 4, 5, and 6 mana. This make magic card have a lot of alternatives to be used for medium to high mana cap battle.

There are fewer cards available on other mana level. First there are only 1 card on each mana level from 12 up to 15. And then each splinter have at least one card for mana level either 10 mana or 11 mana. There's 7 card costing 2 mana and less, which mostly concentrated at Death Splinter. Magic damage are superior compared to Melee and Ranged damage. It hit directly toward health, it can be used in all position, and most of all it cannot miss (except by ruleset or abilities effect). So its common for magic damage to have lower damage figure compared to melee and ranged. And therefore to have which make it's very advantageous to have magic card at 1 or 2 mana.

Once we jumped to distribution based on card type, we see there's less than 10% of card coming from Normal type. While there arere 25 cards coming from Rare type, the remaining 60% of the collection coming from Epic and Legendary type. Therefore it's quite costly to expand collection on magic cards. One notable thing, the Legendary type is coming majorly from Dragon Splinter; while the rest have a more balance card between Rare and Legendary type.

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Traits Mapping


We will take a bird-view to benchmark the grid between each Splinter faction. In overall, magic card seemed to start on the south-west grid, with damage-mana ratio below 0.5 tick. Earth and Death Splinter have a Tanker-figure tendency, as around half of their collection have health-mana ratio at 1.0 tick and above. Armor is less available, only 2 or 3 cards owned them from each Splinter faction. Speed is also not a notable feature, with most card starting as red nodes. In term of abilities, Death and Dragon have a good starting with most card started with 2 abilities.


At Max Level, all faction gained large amount of health growth. The final map shows Water, Earth, Life, and Death gaining the most with 50% of their collection placed in the south quadrant. There are 2 exceptional card which have entered the south-east quadrant with 2.5 health-mana ratio; they're which is Khmer Princess (Earth) and Dax Paragon (Life). In term of damage-mana ratio, the dominant faction would be Fire, Water, Life, and Death, as they have majority card with damage-mana ratio above 0.5 tick. Speed looks decent, only Water Splinter looked to have the higher than average speed. Abilities are various and too complex to be judged solely by their number; but in overall Earth, Life, and Death have the most number of abilities.

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Abilities Mapping


Abilities mapping might give another story where the traits mapping not tell. Earth and Life Splinter have a majority abilities on Support abilities. Tank Heal and Silence ability are the most available abilities on Earth Splinter, which uniquely and rarely seen on other Splinter faction. Other unique abilities including Divine Shield and only available on Earth and Life Splinter; even there are 2 (two) Resurrect ability on Life Splinter. Water Splinter in the other hand have less abilities with the Striker ability less available. Death Splinter have a more balanced abilities with each group have sufficient large number. There's also seemed to a wide variety of the abilities. Lastly Dragon faction have the most number of Tanker abilities, which are dominated mainly by Flying ability.

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Personal Thought

In conclusion, magic card doesn't seemed to have strong point as a Striker. There are less Striker abilities on each and every Splinter. But Water and Life Splinter specifically have stronger strong damage status. Tanker card clearly coming majorly from Dragon Splinter, followed up by Earth Splinter; both Splinter have half of their collection with health-mana ratio more than 1.0 tick.

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