Dragon Splinter always been the paramount splinter among others; not only because using Dragon Splinter collection allow access to one other selected Splinter collection, but also because in average Dragon are stronger compared to other. So let's focus our analysis into the magic card from Dragon Splinter.

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Number of Card by Rarity and Mana

Rarity1 Mana3 Mana5 Mana6 Mana7 Mana8 Mana10 Mana14 Mana15 Mana

Dragon Splinter have few magic card collection. There are in total 11 magic card, although 2 of them are not purely magic card, but rather a hybrid card having combination of melee and magic damage. The collection are decorated mostly with high mana card, with 3 card costing 10 mana and above, and 5 card costing mana ranging from 5 to 8 mana. And then there are 1 Normal and 1 Rare type, while the rest of the card are Legendary type. With all these conditions, Dragon Splinter magic card are somehow difficult to access, not only in term of budget and mana cost, but also there's less variety as we will see below. But after all, Dragon Splinter to battle alongside other Splinter, which make this collection more as complementary card to the joining Splinter.

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Traits Mapping




Similar to other magic card, the collection started with an average damage-mana ratio below 0.5, Shin-Lo (No.10) have the highest due to the 1 mana cost, and Red Dragon (No.8) follow-up due to the higher melee damage. Health-mana ratio are rather better, with 5 card already started on 1.0 and above. Speed also seemed ordinary, with the exception to Void Dragon (No.2) which notable for its high speed and health-mana ratio. Abilities are quite abundant which is typical found in collection with large Legendary type.

With Legendary type there's fewer progression step for growth. But for some high mana card, they might benefit from progression that increase in more than one status. The most significant increase is in the number of abilities (we will discuss in the next section). Serpentine Mystic (No.3) and Dragon Whelp (No.11) grow significantly in term of health and damage (both are Normal and Rare type). Other card doesn't have much growth other than abilities. Most of these card are card with high mana (No.1, No.5, and No.9) which already started with very high status, which some will make big leverage to the additional abilities gained.
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Abilities Mapping


Abilities are the interesting parts. The most dominant abilities comes from Tanker abilities, followed by Support abilities. While Striker type abilities are very few (even too few compared to magic card collection from other Splinter faction). The notable one, are the Flying ability which is possessed by 7 out of 11 cards (after all they are Dragon). As this collection have lower average speed that needed by Striker card, Flying ability seemed to justify that this collection is more of a Tanker type,

A lot of abilities gained leverage from the high status of the card. Life Leech is owned by Black Dragon which have 3 magic damage, which make a total of 3 additional health gain every hit. Buff and debuff abilities doesn't gain much benefit. Heal have a major impact as combined with the high health. Agor Longtail will gain 5 additional health each round, while Red Dragon will gain 4 additional health each round.

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Personal Thought

This final section, I give my personal thought for several card mentioned below.

'1. Chaos Dragon

The huge mana might at first sight tease you to deploy this card in large mana cap battle. Luckily, this perception somehow is true. Among cards with Scattershot ability, Chaos Dragon is the only one which have magic damage. And once it is upgraded to Level 2, it will gained the Blast ability which give much leverage to the Scattershot ability. The rest of the level are less important as Blind could easily be found in other card with lower mana. The 1 damage growth at Level 4, will be impactful only if Chaos Dragon gain additional damage buff, which will raise the blast damage from 2 to 3.

'2. Black Dragon

This card is not a card to be underestimated. Black Dragon might start with very limited health, but Life Leech could turn the tide of the battle in long term. Life Leech got great leverage from the 3 magic damage, which so far the highest magic damage available among cards with Life Leech ability. If faced with no resistance, Black Dragon can turn into huge tanker, as there's no maximum cap to the health gain.

'3. Agor Longtail

We could agree that Agor Longtail is the true definition of a titan. The huge health and the heal ability combines to create a leverage of 5 heal each round. With hybrid melee and magic damage, it most efficient to place this card in the front row. But since Taunt ability could perish this card quickly; it is a wise suggestion to place this card in the second row, just to spare this card from several damage.

'4. Gloridax Magus

Gloridax are the only magic card possessing three striker abilities, which supposed to make this card as powerful damage output. In contrary, this card seemed to be imperfect. It is difficult to gain leverage with all the ability, if at max level this card will only have 2 magic damage. Shatter ability also less important on personal benefit, but more beneficial to support other melee card.
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