I've mentioned the Traits Mapping for Life Splinter magic card previously on my post for Temporal Master. Since the late post only talk in the perspective of Temporal Master, this post will take a general look over all cards. Life Splinter have many intresting magic card with many variation of abilities and roles. But before we continue, I just want to recall the guide to read the Traits Mapping which could be found in this post and this update post. So let's get started!

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Number of Card by Rarity and Mana

Rarity2 Mana3 Mana4 Mana5 Mana6 Mana7 Mana8 Mana9 Mana10 Mana12 Mana

The collection are dominated mostly by Epic and Legendary cards, which make this collection is more expensive to be afford and more vulnerable from restrictive rulesets such as Lost Legendaries and Rise of The Commons. While Normal and Rare types are left with only 3 cards; these cards consist of 4 to 8 mana cards, which make these cards more suitable to be used in mid to high mana battle. The mana cost are distributed equally from the lowest 2 mana up to the highest 12 mana, although all of the higher mana cards consist of only Legendary type.

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Traits Mapping




Life Splinter magic card started at Level 1 as typical magic card collection, although in my opinion the cards are rather similar with no certain uniqueness. It's evident as the entire collection have damage-mana ratio below 0.5 tick, and then mostly the health-mana ratio below 1.0 tick. Speed also dominated by red speed mark, with only 3 cards in yellow speed mark. Abilities mostly started with single abilities. In overall I can't find particular card with notable status or feature.

Once the collection progress to their Max Level, there's a lot of growth taking place. One common thing to be found, Legendary and Epic type card have fewer progression steps which is reflected in the card started strong at Level 1 and less growth at Max Level. But the overall chart shows that there's tremendous damage and health growth, and also the number of abilities gained.

Temporal Master (No.5) and Divine Sorceress (No.11) are two cards with the highest damage-mana ratio, which is understood as it cost 3 mana and less. Temporal Master have better damage-mana and health-mana are very useful whether as main cards or as cannon fodder card. There's obvious division between where some cards gained very high damage-mana ratio but only 1 to 2 abilities, while the rest of the cards with stagnant damage-mana ratio gained at least 3 abilities.

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Abilities Mapping


The collection have a quite abundant abilities. Based on major grouping, the most abilities come from Support, followed by Tanker, and lastly Striker. Status buff and debuff abilities are available in various form. The most notable abilities are two of the rarest abilities, that is Divine Shield and Resurrect. Both abilities are not only barely found in faction other than Life Splinter, but also because almost only Legendary card possessing such abilities (exception of Baby Unicorn which is Normal type card); and yet in this collection there are two card having each abilities.

Tanker type abilities are few, with the most one is Flying ability. Immunity ability is quite rare to find, and very useful in certain situation. The common one would be battle with Noxious Fumes ruleset. Forcefield is a super rare ability, where only one card from each Splinter possessing it.

Striker type abilities are the last one and the fewest. There's no notable abilities to be seen. Life Leech might be found quite easily on other Splinter, but for Life Splinter there're only two card having this card, which is Bila The Radiant (No.14) and Stitch Leech.

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Personal Thought

This final section, I give my personal thought for several card mentioned below.

'1. Time Meddler

It's rare to see a pure tanker in a magic card collection. And then here we have Time Meddler who could be considered as that outlier card. High health with partial armor, combined with all melee and ranged damage return make Time Meddler the best card to distributed damage evenly among your opponent formation.

'2. Kralus

For higher mana battle, your Time Meddler could be substituted by Kralus. Kralus not only have higher health and additional melee damage, but the health itself create leverage to the Heal ability which will heal up to 5 health each round. In addition the Flying abilities could give some level of evasion.

'3. Bila The Radiant

One statement about this card; Bila The Radiant is only the card with the highest damage status among cards with Life Leech ability. This means each round in addition to 4 damage, this card will also gain 4 additional health; which become more massive if combined with the Stun ability. A momentum lost, and there's no chance for opponent to outpace the continuous health increase.
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