One this episode of Traits Mapping, we will take a closer look at Water Splinter Magic Card. Water Splinter is pictured somehow as Splinter with various high speed card, but only few selection of powerful magic card. We will see if this opinion is true with our usual analysis using traits mapping and abilities mapping.

For your information, my next Traits Mapping post will be the Fire Splinter Magic Card. Once it's done, we will have a complete post for Magic Card collection from the entire Splinter. From there I will make a recap post to benchmark and summarize the magic card across all Splinter.

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Number of Card by Rarity and Mana

Rarity2 Mana4 Mana5 Mana6 Mana7 Mana8 Mana9 Mana10 Mana11 Mana

There's total 14 Water Splinter magic card available from Untamed, Dice, Reward, Chaos Legion, and Riftwatchers editions. The first interesting here is, more than half of this collection is made from Epic and Legendary type. Which means magic card are very limited when Rise Of The Commons ruleset is in play, in addition to the less affordability of Epic and Legendary type. This left us with only 6 card from Normal and Rare type, which is spread between 2 to 7 mana. This concludes that there's limited selection for low and mid mana battle; and even so it will be difficult to employ full scale formation with for example more than 3 magic card.

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Traits Mapping




The Level 1 Chart shows that the overall damage stats are quite low as all of them are below 0.5 ratio. But this is typical thing for magic card collection. Health stats are decent as there're 5 card with ratio 1.0 and higher. However this low stats seemed to be compensated with a better speed and more starting abilities. Djinn Oshannus (No.13) and Phantom Of The Abyss (No. 9) are two of most notable card, as both have the highest speed, with Oshannus has the 2nd best health ratio, and Phantom has two starting abilities.

Once the card reached max level, the collection have tremendous shift. Damage ratio growth significantly with most card reaching higher than 0.5 ratio. The highest one is Ice Pixie (1:1 damage-mana ratio), which is common for card with less than 4 mana. In term of health ratio, half of the card have entered the south quadrant. Lobstradamus (No.8) has the most consistent growth as Tanker card with its health ratio reached 2.0. Speed also grow dominantly across all cards as only 4 card left with low speed (red nodes). One unique thing, we rarely found magic card with Shield traits, and yet this collection have 3 card with shield (although the value is quite low).

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Abilities Mapping


Abilities must be taken into account to understand deeper about the nature of each cards, especially among magic card collection. Water Splinter magic card have a pretty much abilities attached. There're 7 card with 3 abilities at max level, while only 1 card without abilities at all.

As per previous post, the abilities mapping table will be divided into the main group, which is Striker, Tanker, and Support abilities. As shown by the number of abilities in the table, the collection seemed to disposed toward Tanker and Support type.

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Personal Thought

This final section, I give my personal thought for several card mentioned below.

.1. Djinn Oshannus and Lobstradamus

image.pngimage.png___________________Djinn Oshannus (No.13) and Lobstradamus (No.8) have entirely 3 Tanker abilities which alligned with their high health-mana ratio. The higher health of Lobstradamus could be understanda as most of its abilities are counter-attack triggered by taking damage. While Oshannus is a Tanker to counter magic card.

.2. Nerissa Tridawn and Rules Of The Seas

image.pngimage.png___________________Nerrisa Tridawn (No.9) is raw card, card with no ablities but compensated with higher stats. Although this is not entirely true if compared with other card with lower mana. But since Nerissa is a 9 mana card, the 5 magic damage is a powerful power-house to bring down giant Tanker. The 11 health also quite huge to put it into Sub-Tanker. But beyond Nerissa, there's Ruler Of The Seas (No.14) which in my opinion is the true glass cannon. The 4 damage are huge if compared with the cost of only 6 mana. And the most menacing damage come from its Blast abilities. And with 4 damage at max level would means any damage buff abilities would cause blast damage to improve from 2 to 3 damage..
.3. Phantom Of The Abyss
image.png________________Dodge, Flying, and 6 speed is the pinnacle combination to make a Ninja out of a card. It's a combination that cause nightmare into opponent's melee and ranged card. And exceptionally, Phantom gain all this at only Level 1. The 3 to 4 damage also a powerful punching power into enemy formation. But still care must be taken, Ninja card wasn't always an easy card as there will be dilemma between putting it as main tanker or back-up tanker. Although it has an enough 7 health, this come with a cost of 10 mana, which could be too costly if this card perished early in the round.
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