#wintermas, #solstice, and cheer

Illuminating the darkness is something that humankind has done since time immemorial. All cultures seem to do it, despite the beliefs of associated folklore or religions. In the past, I have taken to writing two posts each December.

The first post is my annual Wintermas post, where I remind my readers about the the tag I created for use this time of year: #wintermas, which transcends cultures and religions. It is a tag for posts that relate to the holidays of winter, the traditions you observe, activities you enjoy during winter, etc. Topics can range from winter sports you enjoy to how your family celebrated when you were a child to favorite recipes for festive dishes! One can write about the lighting of the menorah for Chanukah or a ski trip one took in January, and everything in-between!

I have been so busy in Discord lately, answering questions for various people about the Hive blockchain, giving advice, solving problems, etc. that I have been doing good lately if I manage to publish one post each week. So, my annual #wintermas post is just now being published. I really appreciate the fact that @shasta remembered the tag and used it recently! Thank you @shasta! I hope everyone will feel free to use my #wintermas tag on their holiday posts! The accompanying banner is free for use, too, if you wish, and no credit is necessary.

Since circa 2005–2006, I have published a post on my blog every year about this time about the Winter Solstice. In that post, I speak lovingly about how my husband and I celebrated in our happy home. When he passed, I almost didn't post it, but decided to change the verbs to past-tense and continue my tradition. I have not missed a year of writing that post since it began... until this year. And this post you are reading will take its place. Last year, I declined rewards and posted it, anyway, but I don't want to press my luck with the repetition of the same basic content for fear of downvotes, even though it is the only post I have ever repeated in that way. So much for traditions, eh? But Life itself is all about change, so hey...

The above artwork "Solstice" by me is a stylistic representation of the sun, standing still between seasons as it reverses it's apparent course through our sky. "Apparent" course, yes, because it is actually the earth that is shifting instead of the sun. The left side of the artwork has warmer tones of summer while the right side of the artwork has cooler shades of wintery times. The finished artwork is actually a subtle layering of three different pieces: the two shown below as well as a splash of color from a tie-dye shot. I was thrilled at how my previous artwork "ANGEL OF LIGHT" brought this "SOLSTICE" artwork to life through the magic of layering!

base "SOLSTICE" layer, by me

"ANGEL OF LIGHT" artwork, by me

I live not far from a small town (which has an official population of 3000, but I think that is a stretch). For years, they've erected a large tree in the town square which various civic organizations have decorated. Last year, there was no large tree for the first time, and I never heard why. I found a smaller tree, however, in another location and it appears in the #wintermas banner near the bottom of this post. This year, the are decorations in the town square again, but something different than a big tree. There are smaller "trees" made from strings of lights on a pole with a star atop, shown below. The lights move, so I really need to try to get a short video of it. Behind the trees is a large set of ball-shaped ornaments. I did not get a good photo of them yet because there were several people clustered around. I'll go back one evening when I might find less of a crowd.

Further down the little Main Street is a small amphitheater that was build a few years ago for outdoor concerts. This little Santa with a guitar, flanked by two trees, is at at the main entrance to the amphitheater. It's a very appropriate touch for a music venue!

Whether you celebrate Chanukah, Yule, Solstice, Pancha Ganapati, Christmas, or something else, entirely, I wish you Brightest Blessings during the holidays.

...from my prior Winter Solstice posts:
All year long, I try to hold as much love in my heart as I can for myself and for other sentient beings. I honor Mother Earth, and believe in treating everything with respect and acting with personal accountability. I believe in the beauty and power of the human soul, and I believe in a connectedness to All Things that exists as the Universal Consciousness, that thing I call "Goddess." I do not believe there is an actual "Being" that needs to lift us, pitifully, out of our wallow in misery. We need to lift ourselves. We can do it. We have the Power.

For those who see the light, I wish you cheer.
For those who feel the darkness, I wish you cheer.
For those who are lifting themselves, I wish you cheer.
For those who are waiting to be lifted, I wish you cheer.
Whatever your beliefs, whatever your path,
know that I wish you cheer... and peace.


banner by me, free for use with the #wintermas tag, no credit necessary



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