
Different cultures around the world have various ways of brightening the cold, dark times of winter depending on the folklore or prevailing religions of the culture. I have really been charmed lately by some of the Christmas Markets that are seen in many villages and towns in Europe where ornaments and food can be found, among other things. I have never lived in an area that had such markets, but they look fascinating, and I appreciate @qwerrie and others here sharing their experiences with them!

The Dutch holiday of Sinterklaas took place this past weekend, along with the corresponding honoring of Saint Nicholas which is thought by many to be the role-model for the modern-day Santa Claus. To show the variety of celebrations around the world during this season, here is a list that I compiled for this year:

05. Sinterklaas (Dutch, Christianity)
06. St. Nicholas Day (Western Christianity)
08. Bodhi Day (Buddhist)
10. Hanukkah begins (Jewish)
19. St. Nikolaus Day (Orthodox Christianity)
21. World Peace Day (secular)
21. Yalda (Mithraism)
21. Yule (Paganism, Wicca)
21. Winter Solstice (secular, Humanist, Pagan)
21. Pancha Ganapati begins (Hindu)
23. Festivus (secular)
24. Christmas Eve (Christianity)
25. Christmas (Christianity)
26. Boxing Day (secular)
26. Kwanzaa begins (secular, African-American)
31. New Years' Eve (secular, Western World)

This list is proof that there are many "reasons for the season" despite what anyone else tries to narrowly insist from their own personal beliefs.

Several years ago, I devised a hashtag in an attempt to span all of these various traditions. I introduced it here on the blockchain a couple of years ago and have been thrilled to see many people using it! So, I give you the tag:


I invite everyone to use it on your posts that relate to the holidays of winter, the traditions you observe, activities you enjoy during winter, etc. Topics can range from winter sports you enjoy to how your family celebrated when you were a child to favorite recipes for festive dishes!

Anyone who wants to search for posts can do so via PEAKD or HIVE.BLOG and see a list of all recent posts using that #wintermas tag.

...regardless of what or how you celebrate...

May your #wintermas be bright and joyful




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