I am in pain....... because of @dreemport 😭

"Aaaaeeeeee! Ooooey! Ooooooooh!" My body is hurting too much. Both the sides of my belly and both of my legs are in great pain. 😭 sitting down and standing up is not occurring without an “aaaah” sound from my mouth.


Don't ask about the walk. I am taking the step for one place but it is landing at another. At times, I am feeling like my legs are not in my control. Who is responsible for my this pitiful condition? It is @dreemport 😲. Yes @dreemport, you have caused all this pain in my body

When I joined Dreemport's 6 weeks challenge, I took it as an opportunity to achieve a goal that I had been procrastinating for months, and that is to reduce my weight 🙈. For about an year I started feeling changes in my body where the belly, thighs and hips are increasing in size. They kept on increasing slowly, and at this point my belly appears like having a pregnancy of four months.

Some of my clothes have gone short. Others have become tighter. I haven't been happy with this increase in weight and absurd body shape. Increase in weight causes troubles in some physical activities too. That's why I wanted to reduce it before it goes beyond control. However, I had been like I would start working out this day or that day…. Hehe…. Procrastinating, you know.

Then came the Dreemport with its six week's challenge to make me focused and determined about my goal. I signed the pledge with the dreemport and decided to use the 20 minutes physical activity slot for the exercise to reduce the specific parts of the body.

In the first week, I started with 20 minutes walk. I started with the walk to assure that I can dedicate the particular time of my day to a physical activity of my choice. Since yesterday, the second week of the challenge has begun. And I have started the specific workout .

I had already searched and selected a tutorial of work out that I deemed fit for my problem. Here it is 👇.

2 sets of some steps for 30 seconds each. All the steps appeared quite simple and easy to do. “I will be easily able to perform this workout in a slot of 20 minutes,” I had thought. But……….. when I have started doing it, I have realized it is tiring causing so much pain. The steps that appeared like the easiest ones (step 2 and 3 in the video) proved to be the most difficult. I haven't yet been able to perform them for 30 seconds.

That's how life is in general.................Things appear so easy when we see them from a distance. When we have only observed them and haven't yet experienced ourselves. The pain, difficulties and obstacles of the process can only be understood by those who are in the process. For others, it is easy to give advice and judgement.

Even if we take wider information of a process we cannot understand it unless we dive into it to get the first hand experience.

We hear of success stories. It looks easy to follow them as step 1, 2 and 3. However, when we start following those steps we come across several social, emotional and physical consequences which the description of steps failed to explain. The two steps are just like two integers (say 1 and 2) , between which there seems no big space; but when we start performing one step we realize there is an infinite number of non-integers in between the two closest integers.

Success in anything is not easy to accomplish. It always starts with some pain. Initially the pain is difficult to bear. Beginning is the time when the resilience is required. Once we bear the initial pressure and stress, the journey ahead becomes easier.

To bear the initial pressure there is a need of some motivation, and to me, this time @dreemport challenge became the motivation. I might have quit after this much pain especially during the time when I am suffering from severe skin allergy and itching. There is no doubt that the dreemport and @dreemsteem are responsible for putting me in the pain. The pain- that is the first step of the success.

Thanks @dreemsteem for organizing this amazing challenge.

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