Superhero Recipe: Pureed sweet potatoe and greens with red beet, broccoli, tomato, sprouts and pomegrenade

welcome to my recipe from today. If you eat, what I eat you will reach and keep perfect shape and always be super happy and satisfied.

Feel free to contact me for a cooking class or nutrition coaching. Until today I am the only person who teaches this worldwide.

Unfortunately I did forget the name tag at the beautiful plate and the rules say the thumbnail has to be with my nametag.

Here you see the puree is from today:

It usually have no leftovers but from time to time there is something left like the stems I then use for other stuff. I also almost produce no trash because I am an intelligent adult and I love myself and the planet.


  • 1 savoy stem

  • 6 cale stems

  • parsley stems

  • parsnip

  • 1/4 pomegrenade

  • 1/2 red huge sweet potato

  • 1 Cherry tomatoe that was hiding alone

  • 1 pear tomato

  • lemon

  • wild rosemary, thyme, sage from the parc

  • lentil and green soja sprouts

  • 1/3 Brokkoli

  • 1 red beet greens

  • 1 hand buckwheat sprouts

  • 1 hand sunflower sprouts

  • 1 garlic

  • some chili

  • (onions)

  • your favourite spices e.g. black sesame, yeast flakes, garam masala, oregano,...

Cut everything

Add everything except of the parsley, tomato and broccoli to the pot. !!! Also keep a little raw garlic and parsnip

I added the cherry tomato and sauteed it for 5 mins - slowly and covered

Adding 1 big hand full of sprouts and 1/2 teaspoon seasalt

Adding buckwheat and parsley stems
...Look they are alive

Cook for 2 mins (add herbs/spices maybe soja sauce if you want)

The living sunflower sprouts - put some in the blender

Add the rest from the pot

Spicing up with black sesame and yeast flakes hmmm...

...Kurkuma, line seeds (what a delicious rainbow)

Blend and serve. It´s a lot so I keep some for tomorrow

We have the puree in the middle, red beet in the front, tomatoes left and right, brokkoli between puree and tomatoes and the sprouts and parsley.

For garnishing I used 4/4 grape, 1 thyme, 1 rosemary, black hawaiian salt (left), blue Saphire salt (middle), pomegrenade, garlic, parsnip julienne, sprouts, parsley and flax seed oil

This was the picture for you. For me it will look like this. I mix everything and eat it all together. As a RAWVEGAN I eat out of a big bowl that usually is filled half or even 3/4 with a spoon.

With the "leftover" herbs and some ginger I cook tea and add the lemon

Eat healthy every day
Do sports every day
Behave like an adult and start loving yourself and the planet
Make love not Corona

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