My favorite mountains

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I come for the first time to visit those inspired by nature to tell you about a beautiful area of my country. It is the mountain range that crosses the province of Pinar del Rio in Cuba. A tropical rainforest inhabited by endemic species and beautiful people, kind in their nature and hospitable by conviction and idiosyncrasy.


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I am a fan of this part of our geography, which only two hours from the capital, gives us so much truth, so much beauty, and that could be the place to go to heal our city frustrations. Thinking about this, I am already designing small Yoga retreats within these splendid landscapes where to reconnect with ourselves, leaving the mental noise easier, helped by the birds singing, the waters running downstream and the clean air.

The local farmers are amazing, they know the bush and the healing herbs, and suddenly you can find one who starts singing and improvising in tenths. The surprises are continuous when you are attentive. I met one who lived in a cave three years ago, at the beginning of the Covid stage and the closures, he went to explore the mountains and found a comfortable cave where he made his home. Since then, he has been there, I was not able to visit his cave-home due to lack of time, but the invitation remained, and I know I will go.


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El Rubio talks about his stories as an inhabitant of a cave house


I found women enjoying having finished the work of washing clothes, sitting around making stories and all the time smiling, ready to brew a coffee roasted by themselves to share with me. With simple conversations, full of laughter and funny anecdotes that are the highlight of the evening. Meanwhile, we are surrounded by so much vegetation, water, fauna and mountains, that it gives me the impression that I have been there forever. That it is my place in the world.


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In Cuba, the native people of Pinar del Rio, have a reputation for naivety, and they even make jokes about it. I can say that they are my favorite people on the island, and they are not naive. They are healthy-minded people, very kind and hospitable as I said, but also most of them live in such beautiful surroundings that they could not be otherwise, even if the economy and the politics that surround them are hostile to the comfort of their lives.

I can only tell you that spending a weekend in the mountains of western Cuba can become a vice that you need every time you feel overwhelmed. I invite everyone who can enjoy these places and their people not to miss it.


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My native language is Spanish, this text has been translated by


📷 of my property, photoshop editing.


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