Breaking Away From The System

The universe has placed me in a situation, where I come face to face, with the very thing that I turned away from many years ago. Choosing to step forward and hold my own, to bow out of the system that strives to oppress and imprison us.


With Food, that is so processed, that I have no idea what half the ingredients are. My middle daughter, loves to tell others, how her uncle hates to go food shopping with me, as I spend ages reading the ingredients on things.

Of course I fecking do, I want to know exactly what goes into my body and my families bodies. Isn't that how it should be. I mean shouldn't we be living in a world, where those who didn't give a shit, were in the minority.

Then there are all the toxic products, that have been created to use in your home and on yourself. Why anyone would want to purchase washing up liquid, air freshener, polish etc that has a poisonous warning sign on it, well that just baffles me. We just knowingly poison ourselves and our environment and that's okay.


Choosing to make and use natural products

Then we get sick and don't know why. It has to be a virus or something. But don't worry, the doctor will fix you right up with some wonderful medication, that also contains toxic ingredients and weakens your immune system.

Exhaustion sets in and it's hard to get motivated. Because the food you eat is seriously lacking in nutrients, you become deficient in many minerals and vitamins. This imbalance really affects the nervous system also and then there is the emotional toil on top of it all. The fear.

I have seen people fall into this trap, where their bodies, which are amazing, become adapted to this way of live, so strong is the will to live, that they adapt to surviving under less then desirable conditions.


Making my own medicine.

But this is no way of life, not when you can choose a different path. When you choose to take charge of your own health and well being. For me, that was breaking away from the system and living on the land.

Breaking out of these systems of fear. That are so manipulative and controlling. Learning to trust yourself and your bodies wonderful ability to heal itself.

There has been so much fear these last two years, but I refused to live in it. I choose instead to create and celebrate and yet here I am, sharing space with people who are still very attached to the system (totally their choice of course) and very fearful of life itself it seems.


It's been hard living here at times, but also it has been magical, mostly thanks to the energy of the kids and the animals, horses and donkey included. Fear is so destructive, it really warps people and I find it very sad to watch, but then I also get to a stage where I just have to disengage myself, because I will not live in fear.

I am ready to move onto new land, with people who are hungry to create, who are motivated and wanting to be prepared for whatever may come our way. Our strength, is in our ability to be self sufficient, to be sovereign beings. It is what we are born for.

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