Tips On How I Preserve Lemon Juice and Lemon Rind

It always happened again and again... Everytime I bought the lemon from the supermarket, I always had a problem storing them because they get molds sometimes after about 4 days even when put in the fridge. These lemons are imported from other warmer counries i.e. Spain, Italy, Turkey, etc. and they have a long way before they reach destination.

When we are in Andalusia during wintertime, I get my lemon and oranges from the fresh market sometimes from the farmers directly and they are normally freshly picked from their trees. Other market dealers get their stuff from a cooperative, a kind of middlemen that carries-out bidding of the lots brought by the farmers.


Preserving the juice...

and so I thought of a way to preserve them and that is squeeze all of them and put the juice in ice cube containers and freeze them and label properly.

When they are frozen and ready, I take out the cubes, store in container so that whenever I need one for cold drinks like ice tea, I simply get one or two cubes, add ice 0 pop and that´s it.


Nothing is wasted if the lemons are organic because they are good ingredients in making cakes or I grate them and also freeze in a container and use a portion when I am baking.


So when I make an ice tea, I simply add the tea ice cubes and add it to the drink. If you are making a hot tea and would like to add the cubes, simply de-freeze some at room temperature. One cube is approximately 1/2 squeezed juice if the lemon size is smaller. Enjoy your ice tea!


All photos are by the author, @mers

GIF by @Gremayo.gif
GIF by @gremayo

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