Single Serving Creamy Chicken Herb - Healthy Dinner Ideas

Quick, Creamy, Filling, & Yummy!

This time I am sharing my creamy herb chicken recipe that is for single serving and super yum!

This recipe is perfect to be served during dinner with cauliflower rice or mashed potatoes for more filling meal.


It's Dinner time !

Previously, I have written a healthy breakfast + Lunch Ideas that you can try at home with minimal ingredients. This is no different, The herb chicken is easy to make and I use minimal spices compared to most chicken recipes out there. But minimal doesn't mean not tasty, in fact it's a challenge itself to spin the meal into something delicious.

Okay, enough with the chatter. Now let's make the chicken!

The Chicken Marinade

  • Mix oregano, two chopped garlic, a tablespoon of sesame oil, turmeric, pepper, and salt. (You can use another mixtures such as Thyme and Rosemary)
  • Marinade the chicken with the mixture for 10 minutes
  • After 10 minutes, heat the skillet and give it 50ml water and put the chicken there. Give it a remaining marinade and cover the skillet with a lid. That way the chicken will be well-seasoned.



The Sauce

As the title suggest, we are going to make creamy sauce! How? follow me.

  • Strain the chicken after 20 minutes and let it cool.
  • Clean the skillet and after that, pour 100ml of milk and also chopped spring onion. Sprinkle some salt and oregano.
  • Put the chicken into the skillet and bath the chicken
  • Now this is the secret that makes it extra creamy, corn flour !
  • Add two teaspoon of corn flour into the skillet and wait until the sauce boils.


Then voila!



My mom loved it but she said that my plating was not appetizing because the cauliflower was distracting her.But the taste was good according to my mom. She's not the type to sugar-coat my cooking so I trust her that it was good and up to her standard. She just said that the cauliflower ruined the plating.


For me personally, the plate was also the problem. We don't have flat plates which was also making the chicken doesn't fit. I think plating also matters whenever we serve the food. Sadly, that was really difficult for me to find the proper plating.




Mac covers technology, philosophy, nootropics, books, productivity, minimalist lifestyle, cybersecurity and languages. Other than those, she is passionate about cooking and travel. In her free time, she enjoys learning art and exploring new hobbies.
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