Refreshing Drink And Lunch



Friday had been a quite busy and a hot day for me. The weather is not really hot it's just the body way of feeling thirsty and tired after a long tiresome works. At around 2:00 PM, I met with my wife and decided to go out for a lunch at a nearby restaurant. To relieve our thirst, I ordered iced mocha for me and virgin mojito for her. Iced mocha was a cool relief and very rich in sweetness. I tried mojito as well. This one was a super relief. It is called virgin because of absence of alcohol and is made by blending sprite, mint, lemon, ice and salt. It seems a good refreshing drink that aids in your digestion.



This is my wife's favorite- veg MOMO aka dumpling. While I loved the steam dumpling and chilly one, she loves the fried one. When I asked why only fried, she told me she loved to bite crunchy dumpling.



This is also my wife's favorite - chicken popcorn. Apart from this, she also loves chicken nuggets and crispy fried chicken. These food items were enough for us for our lunch.

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