K.I.S.S. perfect local food (clue)

i am not going to tell where i am now, yet…

so, this, my second post from the different continent than the one i was last, mere days, upon…

serves as clue #2 to my whereabouts!

this form of nut 🌰/ seed is a local favorite food referred to as “pinhão”

which is quite curious and mysterious because pinhão in my language translator application comes up as “pinion”, which would make “pinhão” a “pine-nut”… which it appears to not be!

in my re-searching to discover exactly what this, prepared via boiling for about 15 minutes by my current host, nut is and is called in the english language…

has me believing that they are chestnuts!

anyone have a guess?
…or, are familiar with “pinhão?
…and believe you know where i am now?

by the way… the english word chestnuts 🌰 translates into the national language word “castanhas”…

which adds to clueing-in inquiring minds about my location, however only adds to the mystery of its proper english language name translation, as my host, who shared this delicacy with me, says that “castanhas” are a similar but different food all together, from that of “pinhão”.

let me know via your comment below 👇

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