Hive Stock Images: Domestic Pigeon (Columba Livia Domestica)

Actually I think this one is plotting it's evil plans. Against me.


And don't say that I say that about every birdy bird. You have not yet seen my blog post about sparrows and pigeons. I promise I will write only good things about them. No plotting or evilness.


Umm... No evil plans, right?


No plotting going on here...


I was seriously (my serious isn't always at the same level as your serious but nevertheless, in my own, serious way) thinking that I'd like to teach these pigeons something because they are not as skittish as the little birdie birds are. For instance tap as many times with our peak as I've tapped with my finger if you want food. Or clean your poo after yourself and carry it to the mailbox of our apartment buildings property manager which I for several "not listening to your tiny hopes and demands" reasons dislike. Or buy me a cottage located on the shore of the Baltic Sea here in Finland, so fed up with lakes as I live surrounded by lakes, preferably about 100 m2 sized house and over 10000 m2 lot. Or build me a private jet that runs on solar power and water.


But then I remembered that I have cats. Not that my cats can do any of the things I planned teaching to the pigeons but they might not be that friendly towards the pigeons when it's warm again and I open the balcony door.


Or the pigeons might want to move in. And I don't want that. Wouldn't want to slip to a pigeon poo early in the morning. Or any other time of the day. Or night.


Some hate domestic pigeons. But they are not as arrogant or loud like seagulls can be. So I don't hate them. I actually like pigeons. As all animals. But I do understand that it's not very wise to feed them. Or all of a sudden there will be 10 and then 100 pigeons in my balcony. And that's a lot of poo. So I feed the little birds from the kind of feeders (juice boxes) where the pigeons can't get the seeds from. And if they do, I move the juice boxes to a better place, lift it up a little or replace it with a better designed one.

But of course the sparrows and tits are really messy eaters so there's always something on the floor or on the large plant pots, so the pigeons get fed too.


Isn't that such a beautiful plumage! Awesome colors. Green and purple.


I feel like I'm being judged. By a pigeon.


There's that bird eye scanning the floor for dropped seeds.


And another pigeon who the other pigeon does not pick a fight with, so I assume they are a pair.


Sparrow: What's up pigey-pigeon?
Pigeon: Please don't call me that.
S: How are things, how's it hanging, what's up?
P: Nothing much.


S: Oh you mean crop not full?
P: Easy for you to talk.
S: Why? What, what, what?
P: There's food everywhere for you. Greece balls and all kinds of seeds!
S: It's for you too, you just go and get it.
P: It's not. Needs balancing on a tiny stick so can't get to it.


S: You too big and heavy! Gotta loosy loosy. Loose weight!
P: Shut up.

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