Hive Stock Images: Great Tit (Parus Major)


More tits and now they're great!


Look out for that bad sparrow!


Great tit bowing because it avoided the attack of the humongous sparrow.

Darn what a great movie tittle. ATTACK OF THE HUMONGOUS SPARROW!

Or it also could be a rock band. Perhaps an indie band. Their songs could be like:

Nextsongcouldhave athirdnotewe'renotyetcompletelysureaboutthat.

Now who's with me?!?

Do you sometimes get that feeling that when I start writing I have no idea what the post is going to be like and where it will take me? Oh you don't? Good! Me neither.


Great tit says yes. I'm sure of it. Like in Yes Man. And I know because I speak tit.


I'm not sure how many high school level jokes about tits and great tits and everything else that I can loosely tie to this subject I can dig out from my brain anymore. I think I'm draining out and this post isn't even half way yet.


Speaking about brains, did you know that if great tits are really hungry, like on the verge of starvation, they have been known to kill other tiny birds, tinier than they are and eat their brain? Horrible isn't it? Great tits aren't carnivores but they are opportunists and if there's no other food available they will do what they have to in order to survive. And they peck the brain because it has a lot of fat in it. Grose! Not so great tits anymore. Perhaps a brain eating zombie tit would be a better name for it. Or a KILLER TIT! Have I already used all my: "This would be a great movie or a band name" comments or do I posses an endless amount of those or does it reset every day if there's a quota?


I hope that's not the reason I rarely see the tiny blue tit on my balcony.


I better feed my great tits really well.

This one or one of it's mates or rivals one day decided to peck and tear a hole to this cardboard juice box. There's plenty of huge holes for any great tit to get the seeds and I'm pretty sure there's no insects hibernating there but I guess the great tit just needed something to do, wanted to see what is the feeding station made of or it was just really pissed off. I do have to admit though, tearing and demolishing is fun, but I didn't know that great tits like that too. Feisty little peckers.


I could say that look at how cute they are, like all small little birds, but after I saw the article of great tits killing other tiny birds and eating their brain, I'm not gonna say it. Actually I think this one is plotting it's evil plans. Against me.


And don't say that I say that about every birdy bird. You have not yet seen my blog post about sparrows and pigeons. I promise I will write only good things about them. No plotting or evilness.


One thing I have to say though about great tits. They are really beautiful. That yellow chest and belly is almost as gorgeous as the blue tits blue head and almost as stunning as the eurasian bullfinches red color. Unfortunately as I live in the middle of the city, there's no chance that an eurasian bullfinch would come to my balcony and let's not let the great tits hear how I flattered the blue tits to avoid the possibility of it becoming envious. Besides blue tits only seem to appear when it's really cold, not like great tits, they are everywhere. So I think we're safe if we just say that great tits are the most beautiful birdie birds. In my balcony.


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