Starting the day off right


Photo by me

So sore already


This morning my wife and I went to our second boxing workout. I was a bit nervous for it because the first one wrecked my legs for the next couple days, but my legs were feeling good once I got in there and started moving around.

My arms and shoulders on the other hand, well, they still have some recovering to do. Who would have thought you would use your arms so much in boxing??


Photo by me

So this was the workout we did. We started off by warming up with about 400 reps with jumping rope with four different exercises mixed in with all of that.

Then we worked on the bag and did 10 one minute rounds of different combinations with a 15 second rest in between each round. We worked on different combos with some defense work in them as well, which was pretty good because defense was one of the main things I needed to work on when I was boxing in the past.


Photo by a friend

I have always been into fighting and combat sports. This photo was taken about 12 years ago when I was doing some hand to hand combat and took an elbow to the dome and split my head open. It only took a few staples and I was ready to fight some more, but I could have prevented it by not exposing the top of my nugget.

I used to train in mixed martial arts back when I was in the military and boxed all the time as well. Even back then, I was more focused on dealing out damage and didn't put much of an emphasis on my defense. Because of that, I have been knocked around pretty good and busted my nose a few times.



One of the worst injuries I got while training in MMA was when I fought against the dude on the left. His name is TJ Waldburger and at the time, he was training for his first professional fight in the UFC. I took a right cross right to the face from him and it shattered my nose and I was shooting blood everywhere. That was the last time that I had done any type of fighting and now my nose is permanently crooked from it.


Photo by me

It is good to get back into the gym though and training again. Now that I am a boomer, I will have to take things a lot slower so I don't injure myself at my old age. I am trying to decide if I am going to train to fight again or if I should just stick to training as a form of working out.

All I know is that it feels good to be sore again from working out and I can't wait to see how I progress with boxing. It is a blast to be working out with my wife again and having the time to do stuff like that.

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