My dislike for ukwa

Hello guys! Welcome to my blog. I'll be answering today's prompt question
**We all have dishes peculiar to our diverse cultures. What prominent dish in your culture do you dislike or don't enjoy and why. Note it has to be food from your own culture/tribe and not someone else's **

Ukwa also known as breadfruit is a staple food in some African cultures, particularly in Nigeria and other West African countries. It's a nutritious fruit that's rich in carbohydrates, fiber, and essential minerals. This meal is not served regularly, it is known as rich man food because it quite expensive to purchase,it is mostly served at weeding and when it is being cooked, it's not cooked in large quantity. The caterer would be instructed on who to serve it and who not to.

While many people enjoy ukwa, I myself don't enjoy it and here is why:
Making ukwa is really stressful, first peel the seeds, then boil and cook until tender. The process is really time consuming and requires energy.

The taste of ukwa is quite earthy and nutty. While some people love this flavor profile, I find it to be too strong for my liking. It has a distinct taste that can be overpowering, especially if not balanced properly with other ingredients. Personally, I prefer dishes with milder flavors or a wider range of tastes.

The texture of ukwa doesn't sit well with me. When properly cooked, ukwa has a kind of slimy texture, similar to cooked okra. This sliminess can be off-putting for some people, including myself. It's just not something I find appealing in a dish. Don't get me wrong, I like okra soup but the taste of ukwa makes me want to throw up.

Everyone has his or her own preference when it comes to taste. What one person enjoys, another person will not. While so many people in my tribe enjoy ukwa, I dislike it.

Ukwa is commonly eaten as a main dish or as part of a meal, particularly during festive occasions or celebrations. While I appreciate the cultural significance of ukwa and the tradition surrounding its consumption, I simply don't find myself reaching for it eagerly when it's on the table.
*images are screenshots on my phone. *

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