Good features/habits of mine that I love

Life is the most precious thing for anyone, and nobody wants to lose their life except in some exceptions. Self-love is essential, and there is nothing wrong with it, and it's not selfishness either. As humans, we all have good and bad features or habits in our character. And today I am going to share those features that I like most.

The understanding capability of human psychology is one of the best feature of mine. Since high school level, I have been very interested in human psychology, and I wanted to do my graduation in psychology also, but for some reason, I didn't choose it even if I had the chance to choose it. I was not a student of psychology, but I read many books on human psychology because of my interest. I know I can't read the minds of others, but I can predict the movements of others better, which helps me to act based on the situation without making mistakes. Because of it, I can also handle most of my tasks with a calm mind. I believe I can think straightforwardly, and I can think about life as a simple one because of it. So it's one of the best features of mine, and I am grateful to myself for making my life easier.

I am a disciplined person, and I maintain it most of the time. I think having a disciplined life is a decent life, and it reduces many complications of life. For achieving success, a disciplined life is very important; at least in the case of a career, it's more important. Till now I have been very good in my academic life, and credit goes to my disciplined hard work. For a better life, I follow a disciplined lifestyle. Sometimes exceptions occur, but I think it's ok as I don't do it regularly.

I belong to that stubborn category of humans. I know many people consider stubborn habits as a negative habit, but I think it's a very positive habit, at least for me. I just need to divert it to doing good things. When I decide something to do, I must do it for sure, and it's possible because of my stubborn habit. My stubborn habit doesn't allow me to leave any task till I reach the end of it and achieve success. It works as my spirit, and I love my spirit. I think whatever I am not, it's because of my stubborn habit; otherwise, I would be leg behind from my current position. So, I think it's another best feature of mine.

Do you believe that I can be an introvert and an extrovert, whichever I want? Basically since childhood, I was an introverted person, and I never thought about being an extroverted person in my life. Unfortunately, I became a failure in one thing for which I have sacrificed many things in my life. It was kind of a shock for me, and because of my guilty feeling, I became an extrovert. Maybe I was like this for at least one year, but I felt that being an introvert has the maximum benefit compared to being an extrovert. But at the same time, I didn't want to miss the benefits of being an extrovert either. So even if I choose to be an introvert in the end, I don't remain an introvert all the time. Depending on the situation, I choose to be an extrovert. Although I didn't want to be an extrovert but I became an extrovert, and now I have a combo-type personality, and honestly, it's very good for me and helps me to adapt to any kind of situation.

Ok, ok, I won't say too much more because I think I can write a lot of good things about myself, but I think I have shared the significant ones here with you.


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