Thoughtful Daily Post Curation Compilation #33

By conveying our deeper thoughts on Hive, we can uplift and support each other across the blockchain. This week we had some wonderful authors visit to share their life reflections, wisdom, and snapshots of their experience on this rock with us.

No matter if they have responded to our weekly prompt, or posted on their own topics, we wanted to take a moment to celebrate thoughtfulness on chain! We hope you will consider taking the time to check their writing out and support their work! You may even make a new friend. ✌️

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Not perfect by @becca-mac

I know perfection doesn't exist although near perfect surely does and that's what yesterday was for me. From the moment I woke up, later than usual because I slept in, to the moment I climbed into bed later that night the day went from good to better to even better and the really beautiful thing was that none of it was planned; the day unfolded like a flower opening to the first warming rays of the sun on a crisp morning but instead of releasing a beautiful scent it released beautiful moments, happiness, a deep sense of contentment and joy all wrapped up neatly within the moments of time. I had the day off work and was expecting to spend it with somebody who is also so far away from perfect it's crazy but I love him and all of his imperfections and he does the same in return but he was called away at the last minute; I was not happy. It ruined what I had planned for the day so after I woke, he had left in the very small hours of the morning, I had a whole day of nothing planned. I made a late breakfast, played with my cat, read some of my book, colored in with pencils a little bit and chose to ignore all the constructive things I could have been doing like housework and catching up on business paperwork

Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #17 - My Connection with my Inner Child [ENG/ESP] by @ale.maar

The Inner Child is part of us, it is part of our self knowledge, part of our self esteem, it is such an important part that it has a great weight even if we are adults. Depending on whether each one should heal their inner child or not, there are many ways to keep it alive, to bring it out and to take care of it, so that it remains part of us in a unique and healthy way. Today I want to share a letter I wrote to my inner child several months ago and I am going to write it here. Dear child: Yesterday I saw your picture on the side of my bed. You were not smiling, you just had a neutral expression

50th Class Reunion by @jerrytsuseer

↑Yes, that is an alligator It is hard to wrap my head around it being more than 50 yrs since I graduated High School ↑That's me in the front row with the suspenders. ↑ ↑I took this pic before most of the classmates arrived. ↑ Yes, that is me half turned in my chair. Most of these folks at my table I was fairly close friends with prior to our graduation in 1974 We only had about 91 people in our class, we've lost quite a few over the years. Fitting for us to gather once more in a place of such beauty "50th Class Reunion" by Jerry E Smith ©10/18/2024 all images original Taken with my Samsung Ultra cellphone, Or used with permission

You Are Enough, Period! by @abenad

Over the years, I’ve realized that nobody in the world knows me better than myself. I believe it is the same for everyone else. We know ourselves more than anyone does because we’re the ones living our lives. However, we’re so quick to listen to what people say or think about us. Some of us are living our lives in a certain way because of certain things we’ve heard people say about us

BEYOND THE FACADE by @hopestylist

Most times we are tempted or just ignorant to call someone a friend when they do something good for us. I mean, that’s what a friend does right? So it is just understandable if you want to call that person a friend afterwards because they could actually really end up being a friend to you indeed. But then, beyond someone being kind to you, there are some other things that as a person, you need to look out for in someone you call a friend. But what are the things or at least one thing that makes you a good friend?

l am still an inner child ln the heart by @repayme4568

A lot of things don't make me feel extremely happy like when l see children's playing, sometimes l will look at how they are doing their little games and l will feels like playing with them, but can l really do that? , even lf l may do it, l do not think that is going to be everyday. The deals is, we do not change our faces when we grow older, nothing is going to change, our heart will still be there, maybe just a little change like wrinkles will come over our face and for the men, will grow beards. we might also have some change in diet, but for me l do not think l am going to ever dislike my favorite meal as times goes on. Yet, there are never stages of our life that we will not feel happy when the events make us happy or feels bad about something if we did not like it, that ls because we are ourself and the things we want are what we see very much okay for us

Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #16[Eng/Esp] by @mercmarg

What rules or guidelines do you set for yourself to feel that your life has purpose and is well lived? Tell us a little about each of them. In our life, the processes we live, each stage of our life on this earth, as human beings, has its own characteristics about how we flow in it. Childhood with that characteristic of being children, adolescence with that energy to learn and know, youth with the desire to eat the world and want to get out of patterns with which we were guided. Each stage has its moment when we have sat down and thought: what am I going to do now?

Do I still connect to my "Inner child". by @melove

Hello hivians. First time here, please welcome me. The term ‘inner child’ stirs up a positive response in me reminding me about having a happy childhood. It represents the fun moments, the fun part of being a child and just remembering it brings about these positive emotions, positive emotions are stirred, sometimes happy, sometimes just amazed at what my little self could do. Sometimes it reminds me of when the world was really better, times were better and wasn't so complicated as this

𝑨𝒘𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑴𝒚 𝑰𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒓 𝑪𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒅 by @amiegeoffrey

Whenever my beautiful niece is around me, I take a moment to appreciate the amazing trait of a child. Her curiousity wows me all the time and how she innocently asks questions for clarity. I could be thinking of my life and the next thing she's asking "why is the sky blue"? Sometimes I envy how unbothered she is as to the chaos of the world and how she does live in the moment and enjoy every bit of it. Or is it times I spank her for being badly behaved and how she doesn't carry animosity about

Don't allow it. by @balikis95

There's always a lot to learn when you are alone. Ideas that come in get acted upon, and you get to do things how you want them to be done. I don't fancy staying in groups though, I know group work sometimes is needed to achieve something better. But, oftentimes, being a group can give you ultimatum aches because not everyone would be as eager as you or even as fast as you. If you struggle to recognize that, you end up carrying the project on your head while others enjoy their freedom time

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That’s a wrap for this week! Thank you for checking out our curation compilation of thoughtful posts from the community. Want to help elevate the awesome on chain?

Delegations to @thoughtfulposts help to support the community, as well as giving back liquid Hive rewards in the process!

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