Not perfect

I know perfection doesn't exist although near perfect surely does and that's what yesterday was for me.

From the moment I woke up, later than usual because I slept in, to the moment I climbed into bed later that night the day went from good to better to even better and the really beautiful thing was that none of it was planned; the day unfolded like a flower opening to the first warming rays of the sun on a crisp morning but instead of releasing a beautiful scent it released beautiful moments, happiness, a deep sense of contentment and joy all wrapped up neatly within the moments of time.

I had the day off work and was expecting to spend it with somebody who is also so far away from perfect it's crazy but I love him and all of his imperfections - and he does the same in return - but he was called away at the last minute; I was not happy. It ruined what I had planned for the day so after I woke, he had left in the very small hours of the morning, I had a whole day of nothing planned.

Becca McGlashen.jpg

I made a late breakfast, played with my cat, read some of my book, colored in with pencils a little bit and chose to ignore all the constructive things I could have been doing like housework and catching up on business paperwork.

I watched a movie on Netflix and drank some coffee which I coupled with the last piece of lemon poppyseed cake I'd made few days earlier and then listened to some music for a few hours while arranging flowers I'd cut from my garden into vases to scatter around my house. I ate dinner, watched some of a series I'm currently obsessed with, took a bubble bath then went to bed to chat on the phone with my guy who had traveled away for work. Sleep claimed me soon after.

This wasn't the day I had planned, not even close, but it really was a lovely day spent at home in comfort; I wasn't about to let the disappointment of my plans being ruined to ruin my day and it felt so lovely and nurturing.

I believe that sort of feeling, of belonging and being cocooned in a comforting, welcoming and familiar place, is something that can soothe the soul like no other. Home is not somewhere I ever get tired of being, my home holds me and hugs me in a comforting embrace. It's a warm and welcome embrace that makes me feel good down to my center, but it's not as good as the one I get from my guy; I'm looking forward to that when he comes home.

Here's three of the songs out of the many I listened to during the day.

I took this image

- This is what I was listening to - Hinder-

- This is what was listening to - Maren Morris -

- This is what was listening to - Cole Swindell and Lainey Wilson-

Becca 💗

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