Swiftly Spread Wings Take Flight

Shape And Size Brings Wings To Frolic In The Sky


Cape white-eyes (Zosterops pallidus) 10 to 13 cm size has highest dispersal of all passerines, native to South African savannas, gardens also found in old-world tropic regions including Asia and Australia geographic variation is found.

Small, fast, social little birds usually seen in pairs during mating season, will move in hundreds together when on the move finding new areas to feed in.


Sooty tern is apparently the most abundant tern with global population estimated around 15 million, patrol along our beaches one often sees them in flight or feeding close to the shoreline. Terns are more streamlined to gulls with shorter legs, forked tail.


Cape weaver (Ploceus capensis) a loud and proud flashy bird that lets one know they are around, very busy in building finding the right spot. Endemic to South Africa and Lesotho widely distributed in southwestern and central regions.


Cape Vulture (Gyps coprotheres) All eight species of vultures found in South Africa are critically endangered or like this one endangered. Big players in Africa's ecosystems removing decomposing carcasses, some areas are now safe zones for these large birds under protection. Having sighted them in the wild this one is is rehab which gave a superb opportunity of witnessing how massive the bird is.


Lesser Striped Swallow (Cecropis abyssinica) incoming from July to September head back northward during months of February to May. They fly in great numbers then disperse to nesting sites previously used, clean repair and lay clutch of two to four eggs, raise their young who start practicing flight just before they are three weeks old.


Flapping out of here myself, one bird going down to the river to overnight in the large trees, not sure which bird it is flying into the sunset, on that note I wish you wonderful times outdoors capturing birds in flight, wings we dream of possessing.

Thanks for visiting Feathered Friends, Entry to #SMAP No. 134 Contest with host @nelinoeva **BIRDS WINGS **

Feathered Friends Community gratitude to @melinda010100 for sponsoring the contest. Our talented artist @barbara-orenya for on-going creative support.


All photography and stories are my own, some photography around the home some away on holidays, thanks for reading and being here.

Thought for Today: "The sky is wide enough for two birds to fly without their wings touching." - African Proverb

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by @barbara-orenya


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