Bronze Mannikin

Tiny Gregarious Species

Bronze Mannikin (Spermestes cucullata) are gregarious seed-eaters gracing my garden with their presence. Arriving in a flurry about twenty to thirty with high-pitched chirping being a social species.


Breeding season they will pair up, monogamous couples, he will bring building material she does a hap-hazard ball shaped nest to hold 6 to 8 eggs where both will incubate, then share parenting duties.


Outside of breeding season communal nests are made, wherein six to eight will sleep together. These very small birds weighing only 10 g (less than half an ounce) are one of the smallest in South Africa. I find them extremely nervous when approached, when observing them flying in stand still, this offers me an opportunity to capture some photographs requiring a little zooming in.


Small patch on shoulder appears where the name came into being, winter they associate in small tightly-knit flocks. Bronze Mannikins will always keep close to fresh water on which they highly dependent on, will take small insects, petals and some fruits when not enjoying seed.


Least concern by IUCN range of species is much of Sub-Saharan Africa, some information sourced Bronze Mannikin

Perhaps one day I will see them land on the fresh Lemon-grass seed currently ready, blowing in the wind.


Thanks for visiting Feathered Friends, Entry to #SMAP No. 174 - Bird Contest with host @nelinoeva FREE THEME

Feathered Friends Community gratitude to @melinda010100 for sponsoring the contest. Our talented artist @barbara-orenya for on-going creative support and curation reports.


All photography and stories are my own, photography taken out and about, thanks for reading and visiting here.

Thought for Today: "A small house will hold a hundred friends." - African Proverb

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