In August Company

August Month Of Wind

Wind swept through at full tilt late yesterday well into the night, good reminder seasons change is happening outside much like life becoming silver, flowers, animals all else knows those winds of change as well.


Snake Lily (Scadoxus puniceus) First To Signal Change Of Season In Durban

Warm colours inviting birds and bees, also known as the Paintbrush, bulb shows a little breaking ground then gains height reasonably quickly and blooms into profusion of beauty like a teenager among the plants.


Albuca currently in flower

White flower with splashes of green a reminder to keep life clean and exciting, more than a hundred species found, harmoniously living in my garden, I think to be the Albuca fastigiata.


Blue-headed lizard (Acanthocercus atricollis) clinging to wall directly next to Albuca

When you know you are being watched, Bloukoppie Lizard hanging around in the sun readying himself to take on his true blue head dress to impress the ladies in the next month or two, another 'teenager', true!

Really..., everyone photographed in the garden except me?


Vervet Monkey

Wow you sure are feeling sorry for yourself little buddy, what's up!

Over population drives this troops from garden to garden in constant search of food, they need the 'pill'! Surely something can be done to assist with no predators left in suburbs, except for odd scuffle with dogs or some abusive humans.


Cloud banks shuffling across the sky, a lot quicker than most silvers of late don't they look promising.


Late afternoon the Agave at the beginning of the month reaching for the stars, how often we look up to behold the beauty surrounding us, small insignificant people trying to make our way through peaceably.


Growing up, not turning silver but turning blue, this lizard has his spot and will defend it with all he's got! Even I get a beady eye, leave me alone it's afternoon siesta time!


High winds blowing over my special tree now in flower, will invite many birds to come enjoy the nectar, later in December it will be little black berries to delightfully nibble on.


At the end of day we all go home to roost, now edging toward the end of a month I only write what I see and feel, life is tough on everything, change in weather affects all living things, financial change is hitting mankind after tumultuous years we have been experiencing. Life carries on....


Bats flying overhead, (black streak above), glimmer of hope for tomorrow when the night guard takes over, wishing you a wonderful weekend.


All photography is my own using a Canon PowerShot SC730 HS, resized for easier loading, writing is my own.

Thought for Today: "Knowledge is a garden. If it isn't cultivated, you can't harvest it." - African Proverbs



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