Upcycled Monopoly Clusters - Day 23 - The 100 Day Project

Day 23 of The 100 Day Project and I've returned to the cluster book. As I've previously mentioned I'm beginnning to run out of ideas of what else to use to make new clusters out of, having used paper, ribbon and fabric previously.

This morning, I decided to come at it from a different angle and rather than ask myself "what else can I make clusters out of?" I switched to "what do I have a lot of that I want to use up that might work as a cluster?" And, et viola, I came up with old game pieces. šŸ˜‚

Out came my collection of cards from board games etc.


And out came my collection of paper money from board games.


From there I focussed on Monopoly since most people have some experience of playing that.

I chose a couple of property cards and community chest cards, from different sets, to be the base layer. Then I collaged on bits torn from chance cards and money plus a couple of monopoly figures. I finished off by inking some of the edges to make some bits stand out better.

I glued the finished clusters to the centre pages which are the smallest in the book. Thinking about it I'm not sure that this choice of paper was such a good idea.

It's an old book page that I have "treated with handcream". Basically you put a dollop of handcream on your hands and carefully screw up the pages, moving them around your palms until all the handcream has gone.

When you flatten out the pages they have a lovely smooth and soft feeling. But, since the idea is to be able to rip the clusters from the book, I'm not sure how well that will work since the paper is very pliable.

Oh well, my friend will just have to use scissors if necessary. šŸ˜


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Today's project has given me an idea for my grandson's birthday card which I'll need for next month. I've already started one but, since he likes playing Monopoly, I like this idea better so I might switch to it.

. . . Ah, I just remembered . . . I said yesterday that today I would answer the questions that were posted in the weekly email from the official 100 Day Project. Oops. Not going to happen now. šŸ˜‚

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šŸ’š Thanks everyone for cheering me on.
Your support is very much appreciated. šŸ’š
@denmarkguy, @alchemystones, @steevc, @shanibeer, @nickydee, @lizelle @stickupboys @jacey.boldart Please let me know if I can add you to the list or if you'd like to join the challenge yourself. ~ ~ ~ ~

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