Snow And Sneaky Doodles - Day 15 - The 100 Day Project

I can't believe I'm into Week 3 of The 100 Day project. It's Day 15 and, so far, it's gone really quickly with only one day that felt like a heavy challenge. For the most part it's been really fun.

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After a bit of a tearful farewell we left Cumbria at 9.30 and got on the road again, traveling South and home.

It was a lovely sunny morning so we took the scenic route at first, through the Lake Distict. Although we were off the motorway the road heads in the right direction on a diagonal so I'm not sure it actually takes that much longer. It's certainly shorter miles wise.

Trying to stop for photos was quite difficult and I wasn't able to photograph the highest and snowiest peaks because of the postion of the sun but I managed a couple of nice ones of some lower hills.

This one is in the vicinity of Bessenthwaite Lake.


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Then there was a moment . . .

Quick the car's stationary. Getting petrol. Whip out the pens and old book and do a bit of a doodle . . .

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This shot was taken along the road heading for Lake Windermere.

The scenery was stunning in the sunlight and the snow but it wasn't long before the hills disappeared in the clouds and there was a bit of rain. The Lakes are the wettest part of the country I think, so I wasn't surprised.

It's been decades since I've been to the Lakes and they didn't disappoint. I'm not sure I'd want to go back in the summer though. The little towns were heaving today and the car parks were full so I can't imagine what it would be like in August. šŸ˜±

We stopped for a comfort break in Ambleside at 11:08. ETA currently 17:12. At 60p I think these are the most expensive public loos I've ever been in. šŸ˜± šŸ˜‚

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The sun was out again by the time we joined the M6 motorway which was actually a bit of a pain as I couldn't do much on the computer. I couldn't see the screen. šŸ˜‚

We stopped at 14:26 for coffee and the loo. ETA now 17:12.

The journey wasn't too bad although there were the usual hold ups on the M25. Stopped at Cobham at 16:41 and John picked up a meal for 2 from M&S for dinner, whilst I got in another bit of sneaky doodling and a photo. šŸ’Ŗ ETA now 17:36.


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So that's it. Home at 18:10. It all went by in a whirl. It was lovely to see family and a different part of the country and somehow manage to keep up with the challenge.

I'm adding this post to #SublimeSunday (inspired by @c0ff33a) since it was indeed a #BeautifulSunday (initiated by @ace108). Although I'm not acutally sure if tagging within the body of a post works.

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šŸ’š Thanks everyone for cheering me on.
Your support is very much appreciated. šŸ’š
@denmarkguy, @alchemystones, @steevc, @shanibeer, @nickydee, @lizelle @stickupboys Please let me know if I can add you to the list or if you'd like to join the challenge yourself. ~ ~ ~ ~

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