Rubbish Bin To Fiber Paste Experiment Results - Day 29 - The 100 Day Project

Day 29 of The 100 Day Challenge falls on my son's birthday so my focus will be on celebrating that today. But since he had a heavy night last night partying with his friends I have enough time to report back on the results of my Rubbish Bin To Fiber Paste Experiment before I join the festivities.

As I mentioned yesterday, my biggest concern was that I wouldn't be able to remove the fiber paste intact. The results were mixed on this.

In Experiment 1, which was the smoothed out dollops of paste onto the shiny cover of an old calendar, the results were good. For the most part these came off in one piece although the plain one does have a bit of a rip in it.

Experiment 2, which consisted of adding the paste to various containers, also had mixed results.

The Pringles top worked well although a little bit of residue was left behind.

The pieces in the chocolate tray with the beads and the flower petals are still very wet so we'll have to wait another day to see the result of those.

The ink pad top didn't work at all.

The ink pad itself I'm not sure about. The first photo shows the ink pad still covered in the fiber paste and, as I'd hoped the ink has seeped through.


In the photo below, top left, you can see the fiber paste once I'd removed it from the ink pad. It's very much darker on the back side which is not surprising since it was right next to the ink. What, I'm not sure about is whether or not that's actually the ink pad itself that's stuck to the paste or whether it's the paste having absorbed the ink, that causing the intensity of the colour. Either way, it's very, very messy to deal with. Fingers crossed the ink is water soluble so I can easily wash it off my hands.

Finally . . . the tissue paper. Removing it from the plastic, just like last time, was a bit of a disaster. It ripped quite badly but will probably be OK in a collage.


In future I don't think I will be using this particular packaging paper. I suspect it's already been recycled which makes it really friable.

Another lesson learned as a result of this experiment is to clean the surfaces before I use them. Given that some of the paste stuck on the calendar and a small amount on the Pringles lid, as shown in the top photograph, cleaning them first would probably improve the removal.

Oh yes, and to wear gloves when handling ink pads!

So there you have it. Experiment completed (at least as far as the dried fiber paste is concerned). I have no idea, as ever, what I will actually do with the results but at least I now have a better understanding of how to work with the paste in the future.

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You can now read all of this Project's posts in one place by visiting the
The 100 Day Project - 2024 - Collection.

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šŸ’š Thanks to all those cheering me on. Your support is very much appreciated. šŸ’š
@jacey.boldart @denmarkguy @alchemystones @steevc @shanibeer @stickupboys @nickydee @lizelle

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