From Rubbish Bin To FIber Paste Experiment - Day 28 - The 100 Day Project

Day 28 of The 100 Day Project found me rummaging through the rubbish bin. šŸ˜

I was looking for containers I could use as a mold for some fiber paste. I found a Pringles lid, a chocolate container and an old ink pad.

I have this idea that I'm going to be able to fill then with fiber paste and then remove it when dry and et viola, some handmade embellishments. However, I would say my hope of success is only 50:50. I have no idea if the paste can be removed from the plastic or not.

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Experiment No. 1

I used an old calendar from last year, that has a shiny surface, to act as a base. I spread out 2 dollops of fiber paste and spread them out with a pallet knife. I put some water on the knife to try and get a smoother finish but wasn't very successful. The paste still stuck to the knife. šŸ˜‚

Next I added drops of ink to one of pieces.


I then spritzed the ink with water to encourage it to spread but over did it somewhat. I grabbed some tissue paper saved from packaging and tried to mop it up a bit. I was expecting the paper to just abosrb some of the ink but the fiber paste ended up sticking to it. šŸ˜‚


This is exactly why this is an experiment. I have no idea how things will turn out!

I'm hoping that, when it's dry, I'll be able to peel the fiber paste off the calendar like paper.

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Experiment No. 2

The second experiment involved filling the containers I'd removed from the rubbish bin with the fiber paste. Again hoping that when it's dry I'll be able to remove it.


The rectangles are the ink pad and the lid. I'm wondering if the paste will absorb some of the ink.

To make it a bit of more interesting I experimented by adding dried flower petals to one side of the upcycled chocolate packaging and seed beads and thread to the other.

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I've now left everything to dry in the sun and I'll be back tomorrow with the results. Fingers crossed. šŸ˜

P.S. I can already see some of the ink from the ink pad leaking into the paste. Should be interesting!

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šŸ’š Thanks everyone for cheering me on.
Your support is very much appreciated. šŸ’š
@denmarkguy, @alchemystones, @steevc, @shanibeer, @nickydee, @lizelle @stickupboys @jacey.boldart Please let me know if I can add you to the list or if you'd like to join the challenge yourself. ~ ~ ~ ~

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