Just Tell Me What To Do - Day 36 - The 100 Day Project

I'm not sure if it's because I've got a lot going on, or my brain has exponentially aged, or it's due to the over indulgence of sugar, but these last few weeks I've felt really, really tired and my thinking has been extremely groggy.

So much so that I'm too tired even to Coddiwomple my way through Day 36 of The 100 Day Project. I have a hankering to paint, having been so heavily focused on the cluster book recently but that's about it for inspiration.

I need to be told what to do.

This video came up in my feed 12 Tips For Starting Art Journal Pages Using Acrylic Paint so I'm just going to blindly follow those tips. I don't know the artist so have no idea what to expect which, I suppose, is a coddiwomple after all. šŸ˜‚

(Post note - I got a bit bored with it around Tips 5/6 and the sun was shining so I ended things there and went for a walk instead)

First I took 3 of the ex life drawing A3 sheets. I chose ones that still had plenty of white space on them, divided them each into 4 spaces and then took it from there. This gave me easily manageable areas to work with and one for each tip.


There's not much of interest to show here so this is a picture of just the first sheet to give you an idea of what I was working with.

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Tip No. 1 - Throw pretty and beautiful out of the window.

This is pretty easy for me since I usually just mess around with stuff any way.

Here I randomly added gesso and then yellow ochre acyrlic paint using a rounded pallette knife. Then I bashed it with a chop stick to make it more messy.


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Tip No. 2 - Pick A Limited Colour Palette

For this one I choose lime green, royal blue, bright blue and bright yellow paints. I followed the curve of the paint that was already on the paper and ended up with this. Looks like something my kids used to bring home from nursery school. šŸ˜‚


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Tip No. 3 - Use A Tool That Will Lay Down Paint Quickly

Since I'd already used a palette knife I went for a store card for this one. The magenta was calling to me but I squirted too much out of the tube and ended up having to use it up by making marks on 6 other sheets.


I'm looking forward to using these at some point.

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Tip No. 4 - Mix The Colours on The Page

Another one I often do. But just for fun I decided to see what would happen if I mixed yellow ochre, cadmium red and a bit of white. Not colours I would normally use.

I think I over mixed this one a bit but hey, ho. Onwards and upwards.


Now we're on to the second sheet . . .

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Tip No. 5 - Don't Clean The Tools.

Well it's far too late for that. I've already put my palette knife into water.

I don't want to end up with a white section on my paper so I'm going to use the one that has the most paint already on it and just write out the words in the tip.

I used oil pastel for this which resists paint so it might make an interesting effect when I come back to this in the future. I just chose the pastels that were broken so I didn't have to think about colours.

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Tip No. 6 - Press Your Pages Together

It's too late for this one too. My pages are already dry. I'll have to keep it on the back burner and maybe do it with the upcoming pages . . . or maybe not.

At this point I decided I'd had enough.

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I may or may not come back and finish the tips. Probably won't.

I may or may not develop these pages further. Probably will, as that's what I most like about this process. I never know where things will end up when starting out.

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To finish, here are the first 4 responses as they look on the complete sheet.


A masterpiece it ain't! šŸ˜‚

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You can now read all of this Project's posts in one place by visiting the
The 100 Day Project - 2024 - Collection.

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šŸ’š Thanks to all those cheering me on. Your support is very much appreciated. šŸ’š
@jacey.boldart @denmarkguy @alchemystones @steevc @shanibeer @stickupboys @nickydee @lizelle

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