📷Not a #BeautifulSunday at the General Hospital | 去中央医院并非美丽星期天😎(by @ace108)

Woke up on Sunday and found my vision was blurry. Concluded that I could not see on my left eye with total blurred vision. Went to the Accident & Emergency department at Singapore General Hospital. After the triage, I waited a long time to see the doctor. From the time when the seats were half filled until they were mostly filled.

周日醒来,发现视力模糊。 结论是我的左眼看不到东西,视力完全模糊。 前往新加坡中央医院急症室。 分诊后,我等了很长时间才看到医生。 从座位坐满一半到坐满为止。

🎶Meanwhile, some music for you to enjoy as you read. This piece is part of Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons, particularly the first of the 4 violin concertos, called Spring.

🎶让大家继续读的时候,欣赏一点音乐。这件作品是维瓦尔第的“四季”的一部分 - 4小提琴协奏曲中的第一首,名为“春天”。

Source | 来源: <a




Source | 来源: https://musopen.org/music/2213/antonio-vivaldi/the-four-seasons/

The doctor who saw me happened to be someone I know. So, that was good news. She found I had internal bleeding in the eye but need to check if there was retina detachment give my history of multiple laser surgery for retina tear no so long ago. She needed to to an ultrasound test but the equipment there was not working. That was the bad news. She arrange an ambulance to bring me to the eye centre for the ultrasound scan. The eye centre had no patients on Sunday. So, it was just me and another patient who were also sent here from the hospital by another ambulance. Another doctor came to do the ultrasound test and found no retina detachment. So, that was good news. Then I was booked for an appointment a week later to get a reivew. So, I'm like Nick Fury now. Cannot see with one eye. Therefore, I'm not checking the #beautifulsunday in details and won't be leaving any comments this week. Have to see how things go next few days. Maybe, just a bit of curation and less posting.

给我看病的医生碰巧是我认识的人。 所以,这是个好消息。 她发现我眼睛有内出血,但需要检查是否有视网膜脱离,因为不久前我曾接受过多次激光手术治疗视网膜撕裂。 她需要进行超声波检查,但那里的设备坏了。 这是坏消息。 她安排了一辆救护车带我去眼科中心进行超声波扫描。 周日眼科中心没有病人。 所以,只有我和另一位病人也被另一辆救护车从医院送到这里。 另一位医生来做超声波检查,发现没有视网膜脱离。 所以,这是个好消息。 然后我就被预约了一周后回来复诊。 所以,我现在就像Nick Fury一样。 一只眼睛看不见东西。 因此,本周不会详细检查美丽星期天天的帖,也不会留下任何评论。 得看看接下来几天事情进展如何。 也许,只是一点点点赞和更少的发帖。

🌞#BeautifulSunday 20230820 | 美丽星期天 😎

There is still time for you to upvote these #beautifulsunday. 还有时间让你点赞的美丽星期天。

Sunday Hug

Photo source from Pixabay.com

Last #beautifulsunday | 上个美丽星期天

Here’s the update on the participation for #beautifulsunday for last Sunday. Again, I’ll continue to highlight that there are posts that I did not qualify and it has go to do with the criteria. Chances are your #beautifulsunday posts didn’t qualify if you have less than 2 images or didn’t post on Sunday.

现在,又来报道上周日的#beautifulsunday结果。 首先再次强调,有些帖子我没算达标。如果你的帖有少于2张图片或不是在星期天发布,我就认为不符合规则。
Author Post Pending Payout

My Weekend Experience at Sugbo Mercado IT Park Branch in Cebu City 1.555

My Time with a Shy Scottish Fold Cat 1.851

Sublime and Beautiful Sunday Seaport Art Walk 28.218

Enjoy the view of the sunset standing on the village street! 0.955

Sunflower Sunday 2.425

You Go Your Way I'll Go Mine 23.570

Bright form of Nature - Beautiful Sunday 2.340

A classic beautiful sublime Sunday in August 20.277

Sunday 🌸🥰 4.942

Beautiful Sunday at the fountain 11.535

Sublime and Beautiful Sunday at the County Fair 22.838

Beautiful and Sublime Sunday- Unforgettable Experiences 3.578

A Fine Sunday 1.098

#SublimeSunday - Home for a Walk 22.106

To learn about other people’s #beautifulsunday, click the link below.




Please see my other posts: @ace108

请看我其他帖: @ace108

I See👀. Shoot📷. I Blog it👆😎

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